

TodoMVC Rails React example built using rails 5, webpacker, react v16, redux and saga.


bundle install
cd vendor && yarn install && cd ..
foreman start
open http://localhost:5000/

If you wanna simulate a production environment compile the assets and run in production environment

rake assets:precompile # will compile webpack too
RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=true SECRET_KEY_BASE="secretkey" RAILS_ENV=production rails s -b -p 5000


The code is port of a v0.13 react version, so I intend to make it follow the best practices described on v15 v16 documentation.

  • Add system tests
  • Add redux and rails API
    • REST
    • GraphQL
  • add tests (probably current tests are broken because of login)
  • Add Flow (or prop types?)
  • improve index fetching (pagination, next url…)
  • rehydrate JWT from localstorage
  • navigate between all/completed/active using react router
  • use humps and normalizr (good for complex APIs, but not needed on this case)
  • use styled components for todo mvc css (so we can practice and find best practices)
  • I’d like to remove (internal) state for some components and write them as functional, but not a big deal atm


Based on original work todomvc react created by petehunt.