
Development of this module has been moved to GitLab

GPL-3.0 License


=begin pod

=head1 Assixt

C is a tool to help Perl 6 module developers along their journey of module inception, all the way through publishing it through L<CPAN|>.

=head2 Installation

C itself is available on CPAN, from the module CApp::Assixt. You can use C to get it installed on your machine:

zef install App::Assixt

=head3 Installing the latest C commit

If you're feeling experimental, you can help out by running the latest I C commit. This release may contain more bugs than the stable release available from CPAN. However, these releases are also all candidates for becoming a stable release, and can therefore do very well with some in-the-field testing.

You can download the latest C release from L<the GitLab repository|>, unpack it and install it with C:

cd "$(mktemp -d)"
curl -L -o
zef install --force-install .

If all went well, you can now use C as you normally would.

If you encounter any bugs or have any feedback of some kind, do not hesitate to L<submit an issue|>!

=head2 Basic usage

The most basic commands you will want to use are C, C, and C. The first time you start using it, you are probably interested in C as well, but there's a high chance you'll only use it once, so you don't have to remember it. This document only lists the bare basic information required to get you started, and I would recommend you read the module documentation to get familiar with all the possibilities.

=head3 bootstrap config

This command will walk through the configuration options, and save the values you supply to the configuration file. Some of these will simply be default values used when making use of C, so setting them to what you commonly would want can save you some time and effort later on in your life.

assixt bootstrap config

=head3 new

The C command will ask you for some input, and then create the entire module skeleton for you.

assixt new Local::Test::Module

=head3 touch

Using C you can add new files to your module. While you could use the regular POSIX C command for this, you may want to consider using the C version anyway. In addition to simply making the file, C will also update your C<META6.json> to reference the newly created file. If directories need to be made to hold the file, these will also be made for you. And lastly, a small skeleton will be created in the file itself, so you don't need to bother yourself with the boilerplates.

The C command requires two arguments: the type of thing you want to add, and the name it should get. The types you'll want to use most often are C and C.

assixt touch class Foo::Bar
assixt touch unit Bar::Foo

=head3 push

C is actually a shorthand for C, C and C. As such, it will bump the version number and update the version number throughout the files in your module, then create a distribution of it (as a C<.tar.gz> file) and finally try to upload that distribution to CPAN.

assixt push

If you don't want the version to be altered, you can use the C<--no-bump> argument.

assixt --no-bump push

=head2 Documentation

This project contains documentation in the module itself. You can access this most easily using the C utility. For instance, to get information on the C command, use the following invocation:

p6man App::Assixt::Commands::New

For general information of the module and all available subcommands, use C. For general information about the C script itself, use C. The documentation can probably be improved at many points at this point in time. If you find any issues, please report them L<on the repository|>, or send a merge request to fix it immediately as well.

=end pod

vim: ft=perl6