
Builds a minimal Raspbian Stretch image

MIT License



Builds a minimal Raspbian Stretch image.

Login: root Password: raspberry

Only a basic Debian with standard networking utilities.

❗ Careful: As an exception openssh-server is pre-installed and will allow root login with the default password. Host keys are generated on first boot.


Latest download (Raspbian Stretch): (263MB) SHA1: 481a39566af76d942f7a24fc48cb9d5361e0d524 SHA256: 425452d0edaae4f4e21177295bae01d1300b530d00b7278d2b7a947fb27bb1ab GPG Signature:

Raspbian Jessie: (214MB) SHA1: ad16b80dd8b59eb64d069dda2fdfeb01175e2c74 SHA256: 3067de2bcd29536aaa72a1925febab62490fc973d982f936a3d0b82365658fa5 GPG Signature:


  • apt-get install vmdebootstrap (at least 0.11 required)
  • apt-get install binfmt-support qemu-user-static
  • apt-get install ca-certificates curl binutils git-core kmod (required
    by the rpi-update script)
  • apt-get install apt-cacher-ng (or change mirror URLs in


Run sudo ./ (root required for loopback device management) to create a fresh raspbian-yyyy-mm-dd.img in the current directory.

Forbid root login

If you boot your Raspberry Pi in a non-trusted environment, you may want to disable login with the default (raspberry) password. To disable passworded root login, add a file named authorized_keys in the config/ folder, which will be copied to /root/.ssh/, and will disable root's password.

Writing the image to an SD card

dd if=raspbian-yyyy-mm-dd.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M && sync

Recommended packages

  • Install console-common to select a keyboard layout.

  • Install ntp to automatically synchronize the clock over the network. Without a synchronized clock there may be problems when checking validity and expiration dates of SSL certificates. Also dpkg-reconfigure tzdata to select a time zone.

  • Install locales. Also dpkg-reconfigure locales and select at least one UTF-8 locale to generate.

  • Install iptables for firewall configuration. Sample /etc/network/iptables:

    :INPUT DROP [23:2584]
    :OUTPUT ACCEPT [1161:105847]
    -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 5353 -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT

    Append pre-up iptables-restore < /etc/network/iptables to /etc/network/interfaces.

  • fail2ban to ban IPs trying too many wrong SSH passwords for some time. Works without any configuration.

  • needrestart, telling you which services to restart after package upgrades.

  • Install cron-apt to automatically look for package updates. Regularly updates the package lists (but does not install anything) if installed without any reconfiguration.

  • Install avahi-daemon to broadcast the device address to the local network using Zeroconf / Bonjour.

Resize the root partition to the SD card

The default image is effectly about 200MB but actually comes with a 2GB root parition. Its likely the the SD card is much bigger.

  1. Boot. Login. fdisk /dev/mmcblk0p1. Delete the partition. Create a new primary ext4 parition.

  2. Reboot.

  3. Login. resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p1.

Optimize for heavy RAM usage

Add a swapfile

  1. Allocate a continuous file:

    dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swapfile bs=1M count=512

  2. Create a swap file in there: mkswap /var/swapfile

  3. Append the following line to /etc/fstab to activate it on future boots:

    /var/swapfile none swap sw 0 0

  4. swapon /var/swapfile to activate it right now. swapon -s to show statistics.

Relinquish ramdisks

Remove tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,size=100M 0 0 from /etc/fstab. It makes no sense to have a ramdisk only to swap it to disk anyway.

Optimize for SD card life

Make sure you limit writes to your SD card. /tmp is already mounted as tmpfs (see /etc/fstab). If you do not need logs across reboots you could also mount /var/log as tmpfs.