
Low-code Programming Editor and Runtime for CANDY Pi Lite powered by Node-RED

APACHE-2.0 License



CANDY RED is IoT gateway software designed for CANDY Pi Lite board with Raspberry Pi and ASUS Tinker Board powered by Node-RED.


OS and Hardwares


CANDY RED flow editor page on browser

This is the default screen theme.

Raspberry Pi + Raspbian


Raspbian version

  • 2020-02-13-raspbian-buster

Tested Node.js versions

  • v10 (Active LTS)
  • v12 (Active LTS)

Supported npm version

  • v6.x+


The module installation will take around 30 minutes on RPi1. On RPi2+, the installation time will be shorter.

Please consider to change your hostname as described below prior to installing CANDY RED.

--unsafe-perm flag is required for installing this project module since npm performs privileged actions during the installation. This is discussed in the issue.

You can ignore npm WARNs, gyp WARNs, gyp ERR!s and node-pre-gyp ERR!s unless the installation terminates normally. You can check if the installation is successful by sudo service candy-red status command after running script as well as npm install.

** Please export your flow data prior to performing version-up **

Please refer to the following commands to install.

$ sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm --production candy-red

You can access http://<hostname.local or ip address>:8100 with your browser on the same LAN where <hostname.local or ip address> is a host name with .local suffix or IP address.


PAM authentication is enabled by default for both Linux (Raspbian/Debian/Ubuntu) and macOS. So you need to login with your OS account such as pi user. You can add custom user ID/password as well by providing the following environmental variables on installation.

When providing the credentials, PAM authentication is disabled.

$ sudo \
    npm install -g --unsafe-perm --production candy-red

The password is encrypted while the installation process.

Note that PAM authentication feature (not custom credentials authentication) is disabled unless NODE_ENV is production.

Stop/Start/Status Service (Raspbian)

The service name is candy-red. As of Jessie, systemd comes as a default system manager.

$ sudo systemctl stop candy-red
$ sudo systemctl start candy-red
$ sudo systemctl status candy-red
$ sudo journalctl -f -u candy-red -o cat


$ sudo npm uninstall -g --unsafe-perm candy-red

If you run sudo npm uninstall -g candy-red (without --unsafe-perm) and see [ERROR] This script must be run as root message, please run the following commands in order to reset systemd configurations.

$ sudo systemctl stop candy-red
$ sudo systemctl disable candy-red
$ sudo rm -f "$(dirname $(dirname $(which systemctl)))/lib/systemd/system/candy-red.service"

RPi Tips

Change Hostname

Since RPi hostname is raspberrypi by default, you will get confused when you have 2 or more devices and they're online.

You can change the host name by either sudo raspi-config.

BLE USB adaptor/dongle

CANDY RED service tries to activate the hci0 device if it exists on boot so that you can use BLE devices on the flow editor. This is performed silently at background and you usually don't have to care of it.

However, you need to tell the system to restart the CANDY RED service by performing sudo systemctl restart candy-red when you insert the dongle after boot. Or BLE is not available.

Node-RED home

The Node-RED home path, where flow files are placed, is found at $(npm root -g)/candy-red/.node-red/. Alternately, you can provide the arbitrary path with CANDY_RED_HOME environment variable defined in $(npm root -g)/candy-red/.node-red/environment file.

BlueZ source code build

The latest Raspbian offers you to install BlueZ with apt-get command as described above. However, you can still use the latest version of BlueZ if you want.

You can find the installation instruction in the article. The compilation takes around 40 minutes (RPi B+).

Here is a brief instruction. (Check the latest version of BlueZ at

$ BLUEZ_VER=5.52
$ sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libdbus-1-dev \
    libdbus-glib-1-dev libglib2.0-dev libical-dev \
    libreadline-dev libudev-dev libusb-dev make
$ wget${BLUEZ_VER}.tar.xz
$ tar xvf bluez-${BLUEZ_VER}.tar.xz
$ cd bluez-${BLUEZ_VER}
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install


Initial Welcome Flow

Welcome flow is a sample flow for helping users to understand the flow editor, which is created by CANDY RED when user's flow is missing.

WELCOME_FLOW_URL environmental variable allows users to specify the initial welcome flow file in URL form. You can set it on installation by, for example, WELCOME_FLOW_URL=http://... npm install -g .....

By default, welcome-flow.json is used as the initial flow.

Note that the downloaded flow file will be discarded if it is not a valid JSON data.

Preinstalled nodes

$ sudo NODES_CSV="node-ed-contib-cache,>=1.0.4 node-ed-contib-geneic-ble,>=2.0.4 node-ed-contib-smartmesh,>=1.0.0" npm install -g --unsafe-perm --production candy-red

Either a single space or \n can be a delimiter of NODE_CSV value.



Supported Node.js versions

  • v10 (Active LTS)
  • v12 (Active LTS)

Setup for Building

Install the local dependencies.

$ git clone
$ cd candy-red
$ DEVEL=true npm install
# Run one of the following command to install default nodes
$ make #=> default nodes are installed into ~/.node-red/node_modules
$ make CANDY_RED_HOME=$(pwd)/tmp #=> default nodes are installed into $(pwd)/tmp/.node-red/node_modules


$ npm run build

The processed files are placed under dist directory.

Version up

Just pull the update on the candy-red directory and perform npm install.

$ cd candy-red
$ git pull
$ npm install --production

Run on localhost for development use

Try the following commands after npm run build: (Prepends sudo for Raspbian)

$ npm run start

With a remote welcome flow file:

$ WELCOME_FLOW_URL= npm run start

And you'll see the sensor info like this:

[INFO] Default welcome flow has been created
29 Jul 21:52:35 - [info] [CANDY RED] Deploying Flow Editor UI...

Welcome to Node-RED

29 Jul 21:52:35 - [info] Node-RED version: v0.14.6 [candy-red v2.6.3]
29 Jul 21:52:35 - [info] Node.js  version: v4.4.7
29 Jul 21:52:35 - [info] Darwin 15.6.0 x64 LE
29 Jul 21:52:35 - [info] Loading palette nodes
29 Jul 21:52:36 - [info] UI started at /api/ui
29 Jul 21:52:36 - [warn] ------------------------------------------------------
29 Jul 21:52:36 - [warn] [rpi-gpio] Info : Ignoring Raspberry Pi specific node
29 Jul 21:52:36 - [warn] ------------------------------------------------------
29 Jul 21:52:36 - [info] User directory : /Users/guest/.node-red
29 Jul 21:52:36 - [info] Flows file     : /Users/guest/.node-red/flows_candy-red.json
29 Jul 21:52:36 - [info] [BLE] Set up done
29 Jul 21:52:36 - [info] Listen port=8100
29 Jul 21:52:36 - [info] Starting flows
29 Jul 21:52:36 - [info] [inject:89c364b0.763c98] repeat = 1000
29 Jul 21:52:36 - [info] Started flows

With password authentication:

  CANDY_RED_ADMIN_PASSWORD_ENC=`node -e "console.log(require('bcryptjs').hashSync(process.argv[1], 8));" password` \
  npm run start

The above variables allows you to use the following credentials,

  • username: admin
  • password: password
  • session timeout: 1 hour


$ npm test


# Development Machine
$ npm pack
$ scp ./candy-red-9.11.0.tgz [email protected]:~

# RPi (on ~)
$ sudo npm uninstall -g --unsafe-perm candy-red
$ sudo rm -fr /opt/candy-red # to prune user specific files if necessary
$ time sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm ./candy-red-9.11.0.tgz
$ sudo journalctl -f -u candy-red -o cat # to show logs

Upload dist

$ scp -rp ./dist/* [email protected]:/usr/lib/node_modules/candy-red/dist


Image Building

$ cd candy-red
$ docker build -t candy-red .
$ docker build --build-arg CANDY_RED_VERSION=9.9.0  -t candy-red .

Run CANDY RED container

Run in foreground:

$ docker run -ti --rm candy-red

Ctrl+C to exit.

Run in background:

$ docker run -tid --name candy-red candy-red

Run docker rm -f candy-red to stop (and remove) the container.

Run CANDY RED container with manually built code

Run in foreground:

$ npm run build
$ docker run -ti --rm -v ./dist:/candy-red-dist candy-red

Run in background:

$ npm run build
$ docker run -tid -v ./dist:/candy-red-dist candy-red

How to release

  1. Publish NPM package: npm publish
  2. Tag Release and Push

Coding Styles

  1. Use ES6 (except gulpfile.js and *.html)
  2. 2-space soft tabs
  3. Append .es6.js suffix to ES6 JS files
  4. See .jshintrc for detail


  • publish local Node-RED nodes in this project to npm repository

Files including the package version

  2. package.json

Copyright and License

Source Code License


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Creative works

PNG/ICO images under src/public folder are released under CC BY-NC-SA, Copyright (c) 2019 CANDY LINE INC.