
!!!!! Currently broken!!!! This is a work in Progress. Web interface for Enviro and Enviro+ sensor board plugged into a Raspberry Pi. Measure air quality (pollutant gases and particulates), temperature, humidity, pressure, light and noise.

AGPL-3.0 License


🌿 Enviro Plus Web

Web interface for Enviro and Enviro+ sensor board plugged into a Raspberry Pi. This simple webapp serves a page with the current sensor readings in a graph over a specified time period. Runs thanks to Flask and Chart.js

OG Fork from https://github.com/nophead/EnviroPlusWeb Forked from https://gitlab.com/idotj/enviroplusweb

⚠️ Enviro readings must not be relied upon for critical applications.

📖 User guide

Install (tested on Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm)

To start with, open your terminal and install the necessary dependencies in your Raspberry Pi:

sudo apt install python3-pip python3-cffi libportaudio2 python3-numpy python3-smbus python3-pil python3-setuptools python3-flask

After installation, enable i2c and SPI:

sudo raspi-config nonint do_i2c 0
sudo raspi-config nonint do_spi 0

Additionally if you are using a particule sensor PMS5003 you will need to perform the requiered configuration depending on your OS version:

  • Bookworm:

    sudo raspi-config nonint do_serial_cons 1
    sudo raspi-config nonint do_serial_hw 0

    Also edit your config.txt file by typing:

    sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt

    and add the following lines at the end of the file:


Reboot your Raspberry Pi to apply these changes.

sudo reboot -h now

Now it's time to install the Python libraries in the "enviroplusweb" virtual environment. For that, create a new one:

python3 -m venv --system-site-packages $HOME/.virtualenvs/enviroplusweb

After creation, it has to be activated:

source ~/.virtualenvs/enviroplusweb/bin/activate

And now the Enviro libraries can be installed:

python3 -m pip install enviroplus

The system is ready to clone the project in your Raspberry Pi. To achieve this, type:

git clone https://github.com/modo-github/enviroplusweb.git

All set, you can now run the app:

cd enviroplusweb
python enviroplusweb.py

Open your browser and type the IP address of your Raspberry Pi followed by port :8080, example:


Check at the beginning of the file enviroplusweb.py the following lines and choose True or False depending on your config:

  • If you prefer to keep the Enviro LCD screen off, edit this line:

    lcd_screen = False
  • If you don't have a fan plugged into your Raspberry Pi, edit this line:

    fan_gpio = False
  • If you need temperature scale based on Fahrenheit, edit this line:

    temp_celsius = False
  • If you don't need temperature and humidity compensation, edit this line:

    temp_humi_compensation = False
  • If you have an Enviro board without gas sensor, edit this line:

    gas_sensor = False
  • If you don't have a particulate sensor PMS5003 plugged, edit this line:

    particulate_sensor = False

Extra setup

Maybe you want to run Enviro Plus Web at boot, then just type in the terminal:

crontab -e

Add a new entry at the bottom with @reboot to specify that you want to run the command every time you restart your Raspberry Pi. Remember to replace in the path your HOSTNAME (if your default hostname is not 'raspberrypi').

@reboot /bin/bash -c 'source ~/.virtualenvs/enviroplusweb/bin/activate && sudo ~/.virtualenvs/enviroplusweb/bin/python /home/raspberrypi/enviroplusweb/enviroplusweb.py >> /home/raspberrypi/enviroplusweb/enviroplusweb.log 2>&1'

🚀 Improve me

Feel free to add your features and improvements.

⚖️ License

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


  • Where are my data readings saved?

    Depends on where you run enviroplusweb.py. By default your data will be stored in the same place where you have the application, in JSON format inside a folder called /enviroplusweb-data. But if you run the app at bootup (for example, using the crontab) then your folder /enviroplusweb-data will be at /home/raspberrypi (if your default hostname is 'raspberrypi').

  • How can I get my Raspberry Pi IP?

    Enter hostname -I in a Terminal window on your Raspberry Pi, then you will see the IPv4 and the IPv6.

  • Graphs are empty, they don't draw any lines, but the live readings on the header are displayed

    You need to wait to have some data recorded in your Raspberry Pi. If you just run the app for first time, give it some time to save readings (~25min).

  • The Enviro screen doesn't show any data

    If you just run the app for first time, it's normal. You must wait (~25min) until a file with the most recent readings is generated.

  • I got an error related with 'adau7002' while running Enviroplusweb

    When I connect a display via HDMI to the Raspberry Pi Zero W, this error shows in the terminal: ValueError: No input device matching 'adau7002' Simply disconnecting the HDMI cable solves the problem.

    Another case where this error occurs, is after a reboot at application launch (no display connected). It seems that the library that manages the audio is not very reliable. There is a thread about this issue that is still open. At the moment the quickest solution is to reboot your Raspberry Pi again.

  • Raspberry Pi is running other services at localhost

    You can change the port to avoid any conflict with other applications. In that case edit the file enviroplusweb.py and find at the end this line:

    app.run(debug=False, host='', port=8080, use_reloader=False)

    Just change the port=8080 for another number (for example 4567) and run again the app. Now you can access to your EnviroPlusWeb typing the ip address followed by :4567

  • Enviro Plus Web is running but I can't connect to the web server through my browser

    If running your app, you can see in the terminal the following message:

    * Serving Flask app 'enviroplusweb'
    * Debug mode: off
    Permission denied

    This problem may be due to port=80 not being available to be used by the application and you have to use another port.

  • I want to run my EnviroPlusWeb under HTTPS

    By default you use HTTP to connect to your Raspberry Pi through your browser, but some browsers will redirect automatically to HTTPS. If you prefer to have your project running under HTTPS here you have a tutorial explaning how to setup Flask with HTTPS: https://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/running-your-flask-application-over-https

  • Sometimes my Raspberry Pi disconnects from the wifi and I can't connect again

    There is an option that manages the power of the wifi and allows to put it in saving mode. Disabling this option may help you to avoid this problem. First check if the wifi power save feature is enabled or not:

    iw wlan0 get power_save

    If it is enabled, then edit the following file (replace HOSTNAME with the name you set for your Raspberry Pi):

    sudo nano /home/HOSTNAME/.bashrc

    And add the following line at the end:

    sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off

    Reboot and check again typing the first command to see if the feature is enabled or not.

Other answered questions

Check the closed issues, you might find your question there. If nothing matches with your problem, check the open issues this is where the orginal was forked from. If you still have issues with my version please add an issue via github.