
Live stream from a USB webcam with your Raspberry Pi to Youtube


Youtube Live Stream with Docker

With this dockerized app, you can use a webcam to stream live video to YouTube

It was developer for Raspberry Pi, but of course it works with any type of HW as long as it supports Docker.

Base Setup

Install Docker & Clone Repo:

  1. Install Docker
    • curl -sSL | sh
  2. Install docker-compose
    • sudo pip install docker-compose OR sudo pip3 install docker-compose
  3. Clone this repo
    • git clone
    • go inside the folder cd Youtube-Live-Stream-Docker

Simple Mode

With this "mode", the streaming starts when your device boots up and shuts down only when you turn off your device or stop the docker container. It can be useful when you have a dedicated device, only for this purpose what your only want to turn on and off without using ssh and entering commands to the terminal. This method handles these automatically.

I use this mode, so I can have a "secret eye" πŸ‘€ on my puppy, when I leave ❀️.

Setup Simple Mode

  1. cd base_docker_image then sudo ./ to build the base image for the other Docker images
  2. Edit docker-compose.yml
    • Change YOUTUBE_LIVE_KEY to your personal youtube live stream key which you can find at
    • Under devices change the host mapping if necessary. (By default it uses the video0).
      • For example if you'd like to use video1 device than change it to: /dev/video1:/dev/video0

Start Simple Mode πŸ‘Œ

  • Go to the youtube_stream_image folder and then run command:
    • sudo docker-compose up -d

Stop Simple Mode ❌

  • Go to the youtube_stream_image folder and then run command:
    • sudo docker-compose down

Advanced Mode

As I always forgot to turn on/off the stream, now it does it automatically based on the connected devices on your network ✨.

This is achieved with a MAC whitelist. If a MAC address is in the list, that means if it's present at your network, the stream will shut down automatically (so you don't have to worry about being streamed, even if it's private). If it's not present then the stream goes live.

                |                           +
                |                yes+---->stop
                |                ^        stream
                |                |
                v                +
start +-----> scan devices +---> is whitelisted MAC
                ^                present?
                |                +
                |                |
                |                v
                |                no+----->start
                |                         stream
                |                           +

Setup Advanced Mode

  1. Perform the same as in Setup Simple Mode
  2. Whitelist device MAC addresses
    • Edit master_app_image/code/whitelisted_devices.csv
      • This file is responsible for keeping safe MAC addresses, so when this device is present based on arp-scan or nmap we know, we can shut down the stream
  3. YouTube Private Settings

Start Advanced Mode πŸ‘Œ

  • sudo docker-compose up -d

(For logs you can use sudo docker-compose logs or inside the code folders you can find the log files)

Stop Advanced Mode ❌

  • sudo docker-compose down

Services (Containers)

  • Device Scanner πŸ’»
    • Responsible to scan the devices in the local network (localhost)
    • Rest Api:
      GET, POST - localhost:8887/device_scan_api/scan
      result: {"device_macs": ["00:11:22:33:44:55", ...}
  • YouTube Stream πŸ“·
    • With this we can start or stop a live stream
    • Rest Api:
      GET, POST - localhost:8888/youtube_stream_api/start
      GET, POST - localhost:8888/youtube_stream_api/stop
      GET, POST - localhost:8888/youtube_stream_api/check_health
      GET, POST - localhost:8888/youtube_stream_api/alive
  • Master App πŸ‘‘
    • This is the main container which uses the above services to detect whitelisted devices and decide to start or
      stop the live streaming


  • device scanning for automatic streamin
  • master - feature architecture
  • create base Dockerfile
  • logging to DB when was the stream live, which device, etc...
  • easily switch to "basic mode". When there is no device scan, it streams when I start it.
  • easily editable csv for whitelisting
  • comments
  • send (Slack, Gmail, etc...) message when stream started/stopped


Gbor Vecsei