
Python GPIO library that uses the RPPAL rust crate under the hood

GPL-3.0 License


Python GPIO Library


pip install --break-system-packages --upgrade gpio-manager



  • To use, you first need to create a GPIOManager object, which can be done by calling:

    GPIO_manager = gpio_manager.GPIOManager()
  • To set up a pin as input with the pull-up resistor enabled on the pin:

    GPIO_manager.add_input_pin(BUTTON_PIN, gpio_manager.InternPullResistorState.AUTO, gpio_manager.LogicLevel.HIGH)
  • To set up a pin as an output pin, run:

  • To set an output pin to the low state, run:

    GPIO_manager.set_output_pin(LED_PIN, gpio_manager.PinState.LOW)
  • To assign a callback to an input pin for a falling edge trigger:

    GPIO_manager.assign_callback(BUTTON_PIN, button_callback, gpio_manager.TriggerEdge.FALLING)
  • To wait for an edge on an input pin:

    GPIO_manager.wait_for_edge(BUTTON_PIN, gpio_manager.TriggerEdge.FALLING)
  • To set up PWM on an output pin:

    GPIO_manager.setup_pwm(PWM_PIN, FREQUENCY, PULSE_WIDTH, gpio_manager.LogicLevel.HIGH)

    Note: If the pin is already set up as an output, the values for the logic level and current state will be preserved.

  • To set the duty cycle of a PWM pin:

    GPIO_manager.set_pwm_duty_cycle(PWM_PIN, DUTY_CYCLE)
  • To set the frequency of a PWM pin:

    GPIO_manager.set_pwm_frequency(PWM_PIN, FREQUENCY)
  • To start the PWM:

  • To stop the PWM:

  • To reset a pin to its default state:

  • To set all output pins to low and clear all interrupts:



  • To use PWM functionality, you need to create a PWMManager object:

    pwm_manager = gpio_manager.PWMManager()
  • To set up a PWM channel:

    pwm_manager.setup_pwm_channel(CHANNEL_NUM, frequency_hz=60.0, duty_cycle=0, logic_level=gpio_manager.LogicLevel.NORMAL)
    • CHANNEL_NUM: The PWM channel number (either 0 or 1).
    • frequency_hz: The frequency of the PWM signal in Hertz.
    • duty_cycle: The duty cycle of the PWM signal as a percentage (from 0 to 100).
    • logic_level: The logic level of the PWM signal (can be set to LogicLevel.HIGH or LogicLevel.LOW).
  • To start the PWM signal on a specified channel:

  • To stop the PWM signal on a specified channel:

  • To reset a PWM channel:

  • To set the duty cycle for a PWM channel:

    pwm_manager.set_duty_cycle(CHANNEL_NUM, duty_cycle=75)
    • CHANNEL_NUM: The PWM channel number (either 0 or 1).
    • duty_cycle: The new duty cycle (from 0 to 100).
  • To set the frequency for a PWM channel:

    pwm_manager.set_frequency(CHANNEL_NUM, frequency_hz=60.0)
    • CHANNEL_NUM: The PWM channel number (either 0 or 1).
    • frequency_hz: The frequency of the PWM signal in Hertz.
  • To get the current frequency of a PWM channel:

    frequency = pwm_manager.get_frequency(CHANNEL_NUM)
  • To get the current duty cycle of a PWM channel:

    duty_cycle = pwm_manager.get_duty_cycle(CHANNEL_NUM)
  • To cleanup the pwm channels:

    duty_cycle = pwm_manager.cleanup()


  • To use I2C functionality, first create an I2CManager object:

    i2c_manager = gpio_manager.I2CManager()
  • To open the I2C bus:
    • bus: The I2C bus number to open (default is 1).
  • To close the I2C bus:

  • To write a single byte to an I2C slave device:

    i2c_manager.write_byte(0x20, 0xFF)
    • 0x20: The I2C slave address.
    • 0xFF: The byte to write.
  • To write a single byte with a command to an I2C slave device:

    i2c_manager.block_write_byte(0x20, 0x01, 0xFF)
    • 0x20: The I2C slave address.
    • 0x01: The command to send to the slave device.
    • 0xFF: The byte to write.
  • To read a single byte from an I2C slave device:

    data = i2c_manager.read_byte(0x20)
    • 0x20: The I2C slave address.
    • data: The byte read.
  • To read a single byte with a command from an I2C slave device:

    data = i2c_manager.block_read_byte(0x20, 0x01)
    • 0x20: The I2C slave address.
    • 0x01: The command to send to the slave device before reading.
    • data: The byte read.
  • To write data to an I2C slave device:

    i2c_manager.write(0x20, b'\x01\x02\x03')
    • 0x20: The I2C slave address.
    • b'\x01\x02\x03': The bytes to write.
  • To write data with a command to an I2C slave device:

  • i2c_manager.block_write(0x20, 0x01, b'\x01\x02\x03')
    • 0x20: The I2C slave address.
    • 0x01: The command to send to the slave device.
    • b'\x01\x02\x03': The bytes to write.
  • To read data from an I2C slave device:

    data =, 3)
    • 0x20: The I2C slave address.
    • 3: The number of bytes to read.
    • data: The bytes read.
  • To read data with a command from an I2C slave device:

    data = i2c_manager.block_read(0x20, 0x01, 3)
    • 0x20: The I2C slave address.
    • 0x01: The command to send to the slave device before reading.
    • 3: The number of bytes to read.
    • data: The bytes read.
  • To perform a write followed by a read operation:

data = i2c_manager.write_read(0x20, b'\x01\x02', 3)
  • 0x20: The I2C slave address.

  • b'\x01\x02': The bytes to write.

  • 3: The number of bytes to read.

  • data: The bytes read.

  • To perform a block write followed by a block read operation:

data = i2c_manager.block_write_read(0x20, 0x01, b'\x01\x02', 3)
  • 0x20: The I2C slave address.
  • 0x01: The command to send to the slave device.
  • b'\x01\x02': The bytes to write.
  • 3: The number of bytes to read.
  • data: The bytes read.


  • These are rust binding around
    the RPPAL - Raspberry Pi Peripheral Access Library crate that gives access to
    gpio, pwm, spi, and more.
    As of current, the gpio, i2c, and pwm portions are tested and working.
    Support for the other functions may come later on.
  • These bindings allow you to call the rust code from python in a way that looks like any other python object


  • Able to make multiple objects that can call the gpio without generating errors
  • Support for event driven io using callbacks
  • Supports software pwm
  • Allows for setting up pins as input or output
  • Supports hardware PWM
  • Supports I2C
  • Works with multiple pi versions and multiple OS's


  • This library is provided as is and is not guaranteed to work in all cases.


  • If you have any issues with the library please contact me in class or via the discussion board on brightspace.

Coming Soon

  • Support for UART
  • support for SPI
  • Documentation on