
Connect RaspberryPi GPIOs and 1-Wire temperature sensors to MQTT

MIT License



Connect RaspberryPi GPIOs and 1-Wire temperature sensors to MQTT 🍰🔘📡


Prerequisite: Node.js version 6.0 or above. I suggest to use https://github.com/tj/n to install a recent version of Node.js.

Install rpi2mqtt: $ sudo npm install -g rpi2mqtt

To run rpi2mqtt in background and start on system boot I suggest to use PM2.


Usage: rpi2mqtt [options]

  -c, --config         use config file                                                          [default: "~/.pi2mqtt/config.json"]
  -l, --log            log to file                                                              [default: "~/.pi2mqtt/daemon.log"]
  -v, --verbosity      possible values: "error", "info", "debug"                                [default: "error"]
  -a, --alias          alias topics. can be used multiple times. See examples                 
  -i, --in, --input    use gpio as input. can be used multiple times. See examples            
  -o, --out, --output  use gpio as output. can be used multiple times. See examples           
  -p, --payload        type of the mqtt payload. possible values are "plain" and "json"         [default: "plain"]
  -r, --retain         publish with retain flag                                               
  -t, --status-topic   topic prefix for status messages                                         [default: "hostname/status/"]
  -z, --set-topic      topic prefix for set messages                                            [default: "hostname/set/"]
  -x, --testament      topic for connect and last will message                                  [default: "connected"]
  -u, --url            broker url. See https://github.com/mqttjs/MQTT.js#connect-using-a-url    [default: "mqtt://"]
  -s, --w1-wait        seconds to wait before reading /sys/bus/w1/devices/                      [default: 30]
  -n, --w1-interval    polling interval for 1-wire temperature sensors in seconds               [default: 30]
  -w, --w1-disable     disable 1-wire                                                         
  -h, --help           show help                                                              
  --version            Show version number     
    index.js -w -i 17 -i 18 -o 23             Disable 1-Wire, use GPIO17/18 as
                                              inputs and GPIO23 as output
    index.js -t -o 17 -a                      Use 1-wire and GPIO17 as output. Set
    w1/28-0000002981762:Temperature/Garden    mqtt topic aliases and remove topic
    -a gpio/17:Light/Garden                   prefix

MQTT Topics

Default prefix is the hostname. You can disable the topic prefix with empty option --topic

1-Wire Temperature Sensors (DS1820)


By default status topic is <hostname>/status, this can be changed through the command-line option --status-topic.

Example: raspberry/status/w1/28-000005908b0e

GPIO Input


Example: raspberry/status/gpio/17

GPIO Output


By default the set topic is <hostname>/set, this can be changed through the command-line option --set-topic.

Example: raspberry/set/gpio/23

The payload can be a plain number (0, 1) or the strings false and true.


You can set individual topics with the --alias option. Example: rpi2mqtt -a w1/28-000005908b0e:Temperature/Garden

If you want to use spaces in the topic use quotes around the whole -a option, like e.g. -a "w1/28-0000012345:Temperature Garden".

Mind that aliases don't affect the configured prefix. So rpi2mqtt -o 17 -a gpio/17:Light/Garden -t Raspberry5 would result in topic Raspberry5/Light/Garden for GPIO 17.



MIT Copyright (c) Sebastian Raff