
Multi-room synchronised audio playback over shaky network connections and cheap (rasbperry pi) hardware.

MIT License



The goal is achieving a perfectly synchronised multi-room playback over the local area networks (Ethernet or Wi-Fi) using cheap components and no additional cables.

Main features:

  • Wavesync receives a "combined" audio stream from PulseAudio over a Unix socket,
  • chunks the audio, labels with timestamp and transmits over the network,
  • then gathers chunks on receivers and plays it using PyAudio (direct ALSA, or
    PulseAudio output).
  • It's relatively trivial to setup and doesn't have exotic dependencies.


  • Tested with RaspberryPI (Kodi and Mopidy players) and 4 receivers (rpi3
    (self), rpi2 with cheap-USB-WiFi, tethered Linux desktop, Linux laptop over
  • Works with multicast, unicast or broadcast transmission.
  • Detects the silence and stops flooding the network.
  • Works with Debian Stable/Raspbian Python 3 without compiling external
    dependencies (depends only on python3-pyaudio).
  • Drops chunks gracefully to sync back when lagging behind.
  • Requires NTP time synchronisation.
  • Increases audio latency, not suitable for gaming and requires A-V correction
    for movie playback.


  1. Install at least:
  • python3
  • python3-pip
  • python3-pyaudio
  • pulseaudio (on the sender)
  • ntp (network time protocol) or ptp (precision time protocol)
  • option: ntpstat
  1. Make sure the clocks are locally synchronised.

Local error should not exceed 20ms and easily can be as low as 5ms with constantly working ntp daemon.

It's best to designate one local machine as the time server (for eg. the wavesync transmitter) and synchronise all machines to it.

Make sure the NTP works and give it some time to synchronise... time. Check setup using ntpstat, ntptime or ntpq:

# ntptime
ntp_gettime() returns code 0 (OK)
  time e006e2b9.b28c154c  Thu, Feb  7 2019 18:00:41.697, (.697450881),
  maximum error 494044 us, estimated error 433 us, TAI offset 37
ntp_adjtime() returns code 0 (OK)
  modes 0x0 (),
  offset 292.294 us, frequency 12.553 ppm, interval 1 s,
  maximum error 494044 us, estimated error 433 us,
  status 0x2001 (PLL,NANO),
  time constant 10, precision 0.001 us, tolerance 500 ppm,

We can see the NTP works. 433us of estimated error seems to be a good value (works anyway).

Crucial is the time difference between the receivers. < 20ms or better should be achievable locally. Absolute synchronisation with the world, doesn't matter.

  1. Configure PulseAudio UNIX socket source on sender. For example:
$ mkdir ~/.pulse; cd ~/.pulse
$ cp /etc/pulse/default.pa .
Add one line to the end of ~/.pulse/default.pa (without the backspace):
load-module module-simple-protocol-unix rate=44100 format=s16le \
  channels=2 record=true source=0 socket=/tmp/music.source
and restart PulseAudio:
$ pulseaudio --kill && pulseaudio --start

Refer to PA docs for details.

  1. Install wavesync with git clone or pip3 install:

    pip3 install wavesync
  2. Run sender:

$ wavesync --tx /tmp/music.source --local-play

You can use multiple --channel options, increase the total latency (--latency 1500) or decrease the --payload-size. Define rate (44100Hz), channel number and sample size (16 bit/24 bit).

  1. Run receivers:
rpi-rx1 $ wavesync --rx
rpi-rx2 $ wavesync --rx --sink-latency 700

You can select output device with --device-index. Specify a --channel if using them on the sender.

  1. Play music, fix your settings, try unicast in case of Wi-Fi, fine-tune sink-latency, observe latency drifts, check if NTP still works.

    If buffer underruns happen often - try increasing the buffer size (--buffer-size 16384).

    Extended example - transmitter with a multicast and two unicast receivers.

    # Transmitter and multicast-loopback receiver (rpi3 with USB DAC):
    tx-1 $ wavesync --tx /tmp/music.source --channel \
                    --channel --channel \
    # Cabled receiver:
    rx-1 $ wavesync --rx --channel
    # RPI has a huge sink latency on built-in audio + needs unicast
    rx-rpiwifi $ wavesync --rx --channel --sink-latency=700
    # Laptop over wifi - needs unicast too.
    rx-laptop $ wavesync --rx --channel

    Eliminate buffers on receivers - don't use PulseAudio there if not needed.

  2. If you use this - drop me a note so I know it's useful. It might accidentally make me code something more or fix something. And I still have got few ideas.


   +---------+       +------------+
   |         |       |            |   Unix socket
   | Player  +-------> PulseAudio +---------+
   |         |       |            |         |
   +---------+       +------------+         |
                                     |             | split stream into
  system latency        +------------+ WaveSync TX | into packets and
                        |            |             | mark with future time
                        |            +------|------+
                        |                   |
                      Wi-Fi              Ethernet
                        |                   |
             rpi-rx1:   |        rpi-rx2:   |
                 +------|------+     +------|------+
                 |             |     |             | reassemble stream,
  tolerance      | WaveSync RX |     | WaveSync RX | buffer sound until
                 |             |     |             | the marked time
                 +------|------+     +------|------+
                        |      PyAudio      |
                        |                   |
                 +------|------+     +------|------+
                 |             |     |             |
  sink latency   | PulseAudio  |     |     ALSA    |
                 |             |     |             |
                 +-------------+     +-------------+

Sender marks audio chunks with a time equal to current stream time + system latency and transmits them. Receivers buffer the chunks and wait until their current time equals chunk time - sink latency. Sink latency can be set differently on each receivers and allows to fine-tune the audio for different devices. If the chunk time is missed by more than tolerance (in case of a too slow sink) the chunks are probabilistically dropped to get back in sync.

About every 1s, a status packet is sent with sender time, a number of total sent packets and audio configuration. Receiver compares it to the packets received after the previous status and calculates the number of network-dropped packets.


       Tolerance     range
     /------------|------------\   Future
  X = tolerance / 2

Wavesync gets the next chunk from the queue and calculates a delay between it's desired play time and the current time.

  • If the chunk play time is in future (delay > 1ms) - waits for it.
  • If the chunk is in past:
    • delay between 0 and tolerance/2 - play,
    • delay between tolerance/2 and tolerance - drop with increasing probability,
    • delay larger than tolerance - drop.

Packet format

  Byte:  [1 - 2][3   -   4][5         -       1420]
  Label: [Flags][Time Mark][RAW or compressed data]

Wavesync assumes network with MTU 1500 and optimistically small IP header leading to a default payload size of 1472. It will try to autodetect MTU size though and decrease this size automatically on start. You might want to decrease it in some networks though (1500-60-20=1420 should be safe).

Flags come `free' because a generic 2-channel, 16-bit audio requires 4 bytes for a 1 complete sample. Marking with time is required, but 1420-2=1418 doesn't divide by 4 - so we can transport 1416 bytes of sample data at once.

RAW data are audio frames. Each contains two (stereo) - or one (mono) - 16/24 bit samples. Wavesync assumes silence is coded as zeroes. Other than that, Wavesync mostly treats this data as binary blob, but makes certain it doesn't swap the channels.

Flags: 12345678ABCDEFGH

  • Bit 1: 0 - not compressed, 1 - compressed

  • Bit 2: 0 - audio frame, 1 - status frame

    Byte:  [3      -      11][12      -      16][     +20 bytes     ]
    Label: [Sender Timestamp][Total chunks sent][Audio Configuration]

    Audio configuration consists of:

    • rate (uint16_t)
    • sample size (uint8_t - value 16 or 24)
    • channels (uint8_t) - 1, 2 or pretty much any value
    • chunk_size (uint16_t)
    • system latency (uint_16_t)


  1. Wi-Fi and multicast

It doesn't work for me at all - neither with rpi+USB dongle nor a laptop with Intel Wifi card. Sometimes even broad/multicast transmission without a running receiver tends to observably increase the latencies of a ping of a wifi device (from 5ms to 180ms + introduces drops)

Instead I use purely unicast transmission, but I believe combined multicast + unicast should work OK with a good access point.

  1. How do I set sink-latency?

If one device lags behind other consistently - increase it's sink-latency until you can't hear the lag. It's worse if the sink latency changes over time.

  1. Why not use RTP pulseaudio module?

Well, try it. It didn't worked for me with unicast addresses at all - hence, didn't worked over Wi-Fi. Also, from time to time, it was losing the sync over the cable even between tethered receivers.

  1. How fast network do I need?

For 2-channel, 16bit-sample, 44100Hz rate, 1500B (usual) network MTU the generated stream is around 121-125 packets per second - doesn't exceed 1.5Mbit/s. Each additional unicast receiver (--channel option) increases the bandwidth.

Compression is purely experimental option. It uses zlib compression instead of anything designed for audio (like FLAC). It will increase the CPU usage and might reduce the size of packets. Won't reduce their number though. The more unicast receivers the better impact of the compression.

  1. If you're getting buffer underflows - try setting higher priority to wavesync using nice or try using rtkit. Didn't try it yet.

  2. Packets currently are not reordered. If the network mangles the order of the packets - it won't work. On my LAN this doesn't happen.

  3. RaspberryPI onboard sound card

It's not very good. It should work though after some tweaking. Sink-latency can reach 1000ms (750ms for me) for it and because of huge buffering tends to "drift" over time. I haven't tried it after last rewrite of the code. Might've got better.

  1. Nothing works!

Check your firewall it might be dropping your packets. Check using tcpdump if the packets are reaching the receiver. Try unicast instead of multicast. If using multicast check ip maddr to see if shows your multicast group.

  1. Still is not perfectly synced!

Try reducing the output buffer size with --buffer-size 4096. Try flooding your home with water to increase the speed of sound.