
Quickly add Redux boilerplate files and directories to your vanilla JavaScript, React, or React Native App.

MIT License


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Quickly add Redux boilerplate files and directories to your vanilla JavaScript, React, or React Native app.

Want to contribute to this project, request a feature, or report a problem? Please open an issue here.

Getting Started

You can install add-redux with the command:

npm i -g add-redux

Alternatively, you can use yarn like so:

yarn global add add-redux

You can then use add-redux on an existing project like so:

add-redux <example_project_directory>

Please note that this command assumes npm init or yarn init has already been run in the project directory, and that a package.json file exists within it. add-redux will throw an error if package.json is not present.

If a yarn.lock file is present in the project directory, add-redux will use yarn to install packages instead of npm.

Why is this Needed?

When creating a Redux-based project, there are currently many popular cli tools: redux-wooo, create-react-app-with-redux, create-react-redux-native-app, generator-create-redux-app, create-redux-app, etc.

These tools are useful, but there are three main problems with them:

  1. Many of them are bloated and include features that are often unnecessary for basic applications.

  2. Multiple commands are needed for different types of projects (i.e one is needed for regular React apps, while one is needed for React Native apps, and another is needed for vanilla JavaScript apps).

  3. The commands themselves are often a bit long to type out.

add-redux aims to address these issues by providing a single, consice cli command for any type of Redux project, which sets up only the most barebones boilerplate code in order to avoid bloat.

What's Included?

Running add-redux on a project directory will add the following files and directories into the project directory:

├── reducers/ (only without the '--ducks' flag)
│   ├── index.js 
│   ├── sampleReducers.js
├── actions/ (only without the '--ducks' flag)
│   ├── index.js
├── store.js
├── redux_examples/ (optional with the '--examples' flag)
│   ├── <project examples> ...
├── ducks/ (optional with the '--ducks' flag)
│   ├── sampleDuck.js

From there, you can simply use import store from 'store'; in your project to begin using Redux.

Any reducers should be created in the reducers/ directory and imported into index.js to be merged with the other reducers.

Any actions should be created in the actions/ directory.

add-redux will also save and configure the following middleware in your project by default:

If your project does not require any of these, see the option flags below.


When using add-redux, you can specify the following flags to control which packages are installed by the command and configured in the boilerplate code:

  • -r, --react - Adds react-redux to the project dependencies. This feature currently leaves the rest of the React setup to the user, but it does prompt the user on how to do so.
  • -l, --no-logger - Skips adding redux-logger to the project dependencies and boilerplate code.
  • -t, --no-thunk - Skips adding redux-thunk to the project dependencies and boilerplate code.
  • -p, --no-promise - Skips adding redux-promise-middleware to the project dependencies and boilerplate code.
  • -e, --examples - Adds a redux_examples/ directory to the project root. This directory includes examples for integrating redux with different types of projects.
  • -d, --ducks - Adds a ducks/ directory to the project root. This directory contains an example modular redux file (also known as a duck). Using this option will prevent the actions/ and reducers/ directories from being generated, since they are not needed by the duck specification.
  • -s, --src <directory> - Specifies the source directory for the project. This is where the boilerplate code will reside. Defaults to the root project directory. The directory argument should be a relative path name from the root project directory.


The following example directories are generated within the redux_examples/ directory when using the --examples flag.

  • react_example/ - An example project for integrating Redux with React. Includes a sample App.js file and a sample component which is used in App.js.