
Coaster - Music Map

MIT License


Coaster 🎧

Coaster is a mobile app inspired by a very good friend of mine who loves sharing music and travel memories - join our test group here! coaster-mockup

Coaster enhances your Spotify experience by:

  • Clustering listened tracks geographically on an interactive map
  • Offering playback previews and playlist creation
  • Enabling sharing and filtering of song clusters with friends and the world
  • Supporting location and music-based search queries
  • Facilitating collaborative listening memories with friends

In summary, Coaster combines music playback, geolocation, and social features to create a unique, interactive music discovery platform! Click here to view a demo.

Developer Guide


  1. Install pnpm
  2. Install expo: pnpm i expo -w (this is the pattern for installing all packages with pnpm, do NOT use npm for installations in this repo)
  3. Clone this GitHub repository
  4. In the project root, run pnpm install
  5. In the project root, create a .env file with the format shown below (missing details will be provided by someone who knows them)
BASE_URL = <Coaster Server URL>
SPOTIFY_REDIRECT_URI = coaster-spotify-login://callback
  • Note: when adding new environment variables, also modify src/types/env.d.ts and run pnpm start -- --reset-cache
  1. Optional: the nodejs version (22.1.0) is specified in .tool-versions, and the xcode version (15.3 (15E204a)) in .xcode-version. You can use runtime version managers to manage these. For example:
asdf local nodejs 22.1.0
xcodes select 15.3 (15E204a)

iOS Simulator (Mac only)

Note: deep-linking capabilities aren't enabled on the simulator

  1. Install XCode
  2. Install iOS on XCode: XCode > Settings > Platforms > iOS
  3. In the project root, run npx expo run:ios
  4. You can press shift + i in the Expo CLI to interactively select a simulator to open
  5. To add additional simulator devices, see this guide


  1. See this guide to setup Expo build tools
  2. In the project root, run eas build --profile [profile_name] --platform ios, where [profile_name] can be development, preview, or production
  3. Ask if you need Expo or Apple Developer account permissions
  4. See this guide for debugging preview and production builds

GraphQL Schema Sync

  1. Start Coaster-Server. Verify the /graphql endpoint is working (should display a sandbox environment in the browser)
  2. Open a seperate terminal. In the project root, run pnpm graphql-codegen -w
  3. Changes involving graphql should be reflected in src/gql/gql.ts automatically

Code Conventions

  • Code Conventions generally follow this guide and this guide
  • Follow existing directory structure (capitalization patterns, styling files, etc.)
  • Organize imports in alphabetical order, grouped by React, npm libraries, and our own modules, separated by an empty line
  • Use Prettier for VSCode