
hi everyone this is base ui component and section to defined pre complete ui structure and and ui components for you you can use this package for your application in react-native



react-native-horror-ui package as component and style base component


Install my-project with npm

npm i react-native-horror


Documentation hi everyone this is base ui component and section to defined pre complete ui structure and and ui components for you you can use this package for your application in react-native


1:use react-native vector icon if you want to add icons

2:more styles are available on source of component and will update soon 3:This package try to give you best and best 4:This package made by love for you 5:do not compare this package with other I'll do my best to keep this package uptodate

Example and Documentation

example and documentation is in this link or you can click on in right side link


🔗 Links

Tech Stack

Tech: react-native, language: typescript,

API Reference


Parameter Type Description
Toast Alert name of using components .
CardView View for cards name of using components .
ThemeProvider theme this need to be in App.js or tsx or jsx to access colors and themes and more .
ImageAvatar profile name of using components .
Button components name of using components .
IconButton button with icons name of using components .
LoadingButton button with loading name of using components .
RoundedButton border button name of using components .
Divider line name of using components .
ImagesGallery galllery name of using components .
Layout SafeArea name of using as SafeArea .
Spinner loading Loading components .
FloatInput textinput animation float input .
Input textinput simple input .
accordion Accordion box accordion element with animation
FlashScreen flatlist flashscreen to scroll like a flatlist but with more speed .
Scroll scrollView as scroll View with more speed and flexability.
window Modal widnow use as modal .
checkbox checkbox using this require a icon of checked .
radio radio customize radio but with choosing value.
RadioButton Radio Button customized radio button .
Heading imageBackground for background images and element inside.
ImgBack Text for titles and headers .
TextView Text as a text .
Theme cusomize theme usage customized sizes by percentage and dp active colors gradient colors .

and more components

Get styles

Parameter Type Description
style styles optional. all styles are optional
blur styles optional.blur view for images
theme ThemeProvider optional. sizes, percentSizes, activeColors, Gradient
Gradient array of colors optional. primarysecondarysuccess,danger,warning,info,light,dark
colors colors optional. primarysecondarysuccess,danger,warning,info,light,dark
sizes size dp optional.sm,md,lg,xl,xxl,full
percentSizes size percent optional.sm,md,lg,xl,xxl,full

Color Reference

Color Hex
primary Color #726EFF #726EFF
secondary Color #E6E6E6 #00E676
success Color #00E676#00E676
danger Color #FF5252 #FF5252
warning Color #FFC107 #FFC107
info Color #2196F3 #2196F3
light Color #F5F5F5 #F5F5F5
lightBlue Color #8CCEFF #8CCEFF
orange Color #FF812B #FF812B
pink Color #FF2BC5 #FF2BC5
darkGreen Color #003901 #003901
yellow Color #FFE033 #FFE033

