
Materials for my Introduction to React Native Workshop 👨🏻‍💻


Materials for my Introduction to React Native Workshop

Environment setup

Basic requirements

If you just want to run apps through Expo on your physical device, these will be enough:

To run apps in an emulator

If you also want to run apps through Expo in an emulator, you'll need to set it up

Demo App

The Demo App included in the repository is meant to be used as a reference in a 2h workshop to illustrate basic React Native & Firebase concepts.

Reference links

Some other awesome libraries!

  • react-native-dropdownalert
  • react-native-firebase
  • react-native-gifted-chat
  • react-native-image-crop-picker
  • react-native-swiper
  • react-native-vector-icons

Firebase setup for the demo project

  • Create a new app
  • Get your credentials and add them in the adapter
  • Enable email/password login
  • Register some users
[email protected] // password
[email protected] // password
  • Starting DB Shape
  "tweets": {
    "-KzIr3nG4akj5U5NvCob": {
      "text": "Tweet!",
      "uid": "lD29Ihlo59TKjZZVmU7pfODAcvG2"
  "users": {
    "lD29Ihlo59TKjZZVmU7pfODAcvG2": {
      "avatar": "",
      "name": "Ricky Neal",
      "username": "rickyneal"
  • Security rules
  "rules": {
    ".read": "auth != null",
    ".write": "auth != null",
    "tweets": {
      "$tweet": {
        // new messages must have a string text and a string uid
        ".validate": "newData.hasChildren(['text', 'uid']) && newData.child('text').isString() && newData.child('uid').isString()",
        // the uid must match the authenticated user
        "uid": {
           ".validate": "newData.val() === auth.uid"


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Extracted from project README
Creative Commons License
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