
React Native app build with react-native-cli. It's a simple app which uses themoviedb api to show the movie data. Anyone who are beginner to React Native this project will help them to understand React Native.


React Native Movie App

In this React Native app i have used react-native-cli. It's a simple app which uses themoviedb api to show the movie data. Anyone who are beginner to React Native i think this project will help them to understand React Native.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


# first clone the repository on your local machine.
git clone

# i have used yarn as a package manager for node. you can use npm

# To install the dependency:
yarn install

# To start the project:
yarn start

# To Run the project on Android Emulator or Externel Android Device:
yarn android

# To Run the project on IOS Emulator:
cd ios && pod install
yarn ios


To setting up the development environment you can follow the guide: RN Developement Environment Setup

App Screenshots


Fadi Nouh, Tiago Pereira