
A cross-platform Collapsible Tab View component for React Native

MIT License


React Native Collapsible Tab View

🚀 Version 6 released with Reanimated v3 support

React Native Collapsible Tab View is a versatile library for creating collapsible tab views using Reanimated.

  • Explore the examples for the source code of the Expo app.


The react-native-tab-view example app was used as a template for the demos.


Default Snap revealHeaderOnScroll revealHeaderOnScroll + Snap


  • UI thread animations and interactions
  • High customizability
  • Full TypeScript support
  • Lazy loading with fade-in animation
  • DiffClamp header
  • Interpolated header
  • Scroll snap (with interpolated header)
  • Animated snap (with diffClamp header)
  • Scrollable tabs, inspired by the react-native-tab-view tab bar


To install the library, open a terminal in your project's root directory and run:

yarn add react-native-collapsible-tab-view react-native-pager-view

Then, add Reanimated, follow the official installation guide.

Quick Start

import React from 'react'
import { View, StyleSheet, ListRenderItem } from 'react-native'
import { Tabs } from 'react-native-collapsible-tab-view'

const HEADER_HEIGHT = 250

const DATA = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
const identity = (v: unknown): string => v + ''

const Header = () => {
  return <View style={styles.header} />

const Example: React.FC = () => {
  const renderItem: ListRenderItem<number> = React.useCallback(({ index }) => {
    return (
      <View style={[, index % 2 === 0 ? styles.boxB : styles.boxA]} />
  }, [])

  return (
      headerHeight={HEADER_HEIGHT} // optional
      <Tabs.Tab name="A">
      <Tabs.Tab name="B">
          <View style={[, styles.boxA]} />
          <View style={[, styles.boxB]} />

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  box: {
    height: 250,
    width: '100%',
  boxA: {
    backgroundColor: 'white',
  boxB: {
    backgroundColor: '#D8D8D8',
  header: {
    height: HEADER_HEIGHT,
    width: '100%',
    backgroundColor: '#2196f3',

export default Example


Scrolling on the Header

To enable scrolling from the header, follow these steps:

  • If the HeaderComponent does not contain touchable components, set the pointerEvents prop to 'none'.
  • If the HeaderComponent does contain touchable components, set the pointerEvents prop to 'box-none' to ensure they function properly.

Note: If any child component within the HeaderComponent should not respond to touches, such as an <Image /> element, set its pointerEvents prop to 'none'. Otherwise, it may unintentionally become the target of a touch gesture on iOS devices and prevent scrolling.

API Reference



Basic usage looks like this:

import { Tabs } from 'react-native-collapsible-tab-view'

const Example = () => {
   return (
     <Tabs.Container renderHeader={MyHeader}>
       <Tabs.Tab name="A">
         <ScreenA />
       <Tabs.Tab name="B">
         <ScreenB />


name type default description
allowHeaderOverscroll boolean | undefined false Whether the header moves down during overscrolling (for example on pull-to-refresh on iOS) or sticks to the top
cancelLazyFadeIn boolean | undefined
cancelTranslation boolean | undefined
containerStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle>
headerContainerStyle StyleProp<AnimateStyle<ViewStyle>>
headerHeight number | undefined Is optional, but will optimize the first render.
initialTabName string | undefined
lazy boolean | undefined If lazy, will mount the screens only when the tab is visited. There is a default fade in transition.
minHeaderHeight number | undefined Header minimum height when collapsed
onIndexChange ((index: number) => void) | undefined Callback fired when the index changes. It receives the current index.
onTabChange (data: { prevIndex: number index: number prevTabName: T tabName: T }) => void Callback fired when the tab changes. It receives the previous and current index and tabnames.
pagerProps Omit<FlatListProps<number>, 'data' | 'keyExtractor' | 'renderItem' | 'horizontal' | 'pagingEnabled' | 'onScroll' | 'showsHorizontalScrollIndicator' | 'getItemLayout'> Props passed to the pager. If you want for example to disable swiping, you can pass { scrollEnabled: false }
renderHeader (props: TabBarProps<TabName>) => React.ReactElement | null
renderTabBar (props: TabBarProps<TabName>) => React.ReactElement | null (props: TabBarProps<TabName>) => MaterialTabBar
revealHeaderOnScroll boolean | undefined Reveal header when scrolling down. Implements diffClamp.
snapThreshold number | null | undefined null Percentage of header height to define as the snap point. A number between 0 and 1, or null to disable snapping.
tabBarHeight number | undefined Is optional, but will optimize the first render.
width number | undefined Custom width of the container. Defaults to the window width.


Wrap your screens with Tabs.Tab. Basic usage looks like this:

<Tabs.Container ...>
  <Tabs.Tab name="A" label="First Tab">
   <ScreenA />
  <Tabs.Tab name="B">
   <ScreenA />


name type
label string | ((props: TabItemProps<T>) => ReactNode) | undefined
name T


Typically used internally, but if you want to mix lazy and regular screens you can wrap the lazy ones with this component.


name type
cancelLazyFadeIn boolean | undefined
startMounted boolean | undefined


Use like a regular FlatList.


Use like a regular FlashList.


Use like a regular MasonryFlashList.


Use like a regular ScrollView.


Use like a regular SectionList.


You can pass a ref to Tabs.Container.

const ref = React.useRef()
<Tabs.Container ref={ref}>
method type
jumpToTab (name: T) => boolean
setIndex (index: number) => boolean
getFocusedTab () => T
getCurrentIndex () => number



This hook provides access to key styles for the collapsible tab view. It can be used to obtain the progressViewOffset and pass it to the RefreshControl of the scroll view.

const {
} = useCollapsibleStyle()


name type
contentContainerStyle { minHeight: number; paddingTop: number; }
progressViewOffset number
style { width: number; }


This hook returns an animated value representing the current tab index. As the tab view can be in between panes while swiping, this value is a floating-point number.

const tabIndex = useAnimatedTabIndex()


This hook returns the name of the currently focused tab.

const focusedTab = useFocusedTab()


This hook returns the top distance and the header height. For an example of how to use this, check out the animated header example in the example folder.

const { top, height } = useHeaderMeasurements()


This hook returns the vertical scroll position of the current tab as an Animated SharedValue.

Since this library requires handling the onScroll event for its functionality, this is the only way to react to changes in the scroll position of the underlying scrollable component.

const scrollY = useCurrentTabScrollY()

Default Tab Bar


Any additional props are passed to the pressable component.


name type description
activeColor string | undefined Color applied to the label when active
inactiveColor string | undefined Color applied to the label when inactive
inactiveOpacity number | undefined
index number
indexDecimal SharedValue<number>
label string | ((props: TabItemProps<T>) => ReactNode)
labelStyle StyleProp<AnimateStyle<TextStyle>> Style to apply to the tab item label
name T
onLayout (((event: LayoutChangeEvent) => void) & ((event: LayoutChangeEvent) => void)) | undefined Invoked on mount and layout changes with {nativeEvent: { layout: {x, y, width, height}}}.
onPress (name: T) => void
pressColor string | undefined
pressOpacity number | undefined
scrollEnabled boolean | undefined
style StyleProp<ViewStyle> Either view styles or a function that receives a boolean reflecting whether the component is currently pressed and returns view styles.

Known Issues

Android FlatList Pull to Refresh

Refer to this open issue. We utilize scrollTo to synchronize the unfocused tabs. While it is intended for use with ScrollView, it works well with FlatList, until the RefreshControl is added. Note that this issue occurs only on Android.

Workaround: Check out the Android Shared Pull To Refresh example in the expo app. You can implement a single pull-to-refresh for the Tabs.Container.

iOS FlatList StickyHeaderIndices and iOS SectionList StickySectionHeadersEnabled

When using the stickyHeaderIndices prop on a FlatList or stickySectionHeadersEnabled on a SectionList, the sticky elements do not scroll up as the header collapses. This issue is specific to iOS.

See #136.


This is not an issue per se, but it's essential to be aware of it. When using containerRef.current.setIndex(i), if you set it to the current index, the screen will scroll to the top. You can prevent this behavior as follows:

const index = pageRef.current?.getCurrentIndex()
if (index !== nextIndex) {

Alternative Libraries

If you do not require a full-featured tab view, consider another option: a simple segmented control / material tab bar without swiping or snapping, using only the React Native Animated API.

Contributing and running the Example

While developing, you can run the example app to test your changes.

First run yarn in root:


Then prepare the example:

cd example

Then run the example:

yarn ios

Please follow the angular commit message format.

Make sure your code passes TypeScript and ESLint. Run the following to verify:

yarn typescript
yarn lint

To fix formatting errors, run the following:

yarn lint -- --fix

Documentation changes

Edit the README_TEMPLATE, or update the docstrings inside the src folder, and run:

yarn docs
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