
Example application using Clojurescript, react-native, shadow-cljs and native-base using rn-native-base

MIT License


This project is a step by step example how to start react-native project using Clojurescript, shadow-cljs and reagent libraries. It also uses native-base as react-native component library, wrapped to Clojurescript using rn-native-base Clojurescript library.

Setup Instructions

Step 0 - Install prerequisites

Have installed nodejs, npm and yarn.

Step 1 - Create a bare bone react-native project

npx react-native init RnNativeBaseExampleTodo

This will create a sample react-native project.

Step 2 - Create a Clojurescript file with an init method

Create a new file in src/rn/native_base_example_todo/core.cljs with the following content

(ns rn.native-base-example-todo.core
  (:require [steroid.rn.core :as rn]))

(defn app-root []
  [rn/text "Hello"])

(defn init []
  (rn/register-reload-comp "RnNativeBaseExampleTodo" app-root)) 

Step 3 - Add shadow-cljs config file

Create file shadow-cljs.edn with the following content:

{:deps  true
 :nrepl {:port 7002}
        {:app {:target     :react-native
               :init-fn    rn.native-base-example-todo.core/init
               :output-dir "app"
               :devtools   {:autoload   true
                            :after-load steroid.rn.core/reload
                            :preloads   [re-frisk-rn.preload]

This is the basic shadow-cljs configuration which refers to dep.edn file for managing dependencies. It is also possible to configure shadow-cljs as a standalone config, or to use Leiningen project.clj instead of deps.end. Both approaches are documented in shadow-cljs documentation and are left as an exercise for the reader.

Also create a clojure tools configuration deps.edn

{:deps  {org.clojure/clojure       {:mvn/version "1.10.1"}
         org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.10.520"}
         thheller/shadow-cljs      {:mvn/version "2.9.1"}
         rn-shadow-steroid         {:mvn/version "0.1.1"}
         rn-native-base            {:mvn/version "0.1.1"}
         reagent                   {:mvn/version "0.10.0" :exclusions [cljsjs/react cljsjs/react-dom]}
         re-frame                  {:mvn/version "0.12.0"}
         ;re-frisk-rn               {:mvn/version "0.1.1"}
 :paths ["src"]}

If you get compilation errors later when trying to compile Clojurescript code, please make sure that you have properly configured shadow-cljs, clojure and clojurescript versions, as explained in shadow-cljs home page.

Step 4 - Configure react native to use Clojurescript

Update the index.js file to point to our compilation target. Replace the file content with the following:

import "./app/index.js";

This will tell react native launcher to use our code. At that point Javascript source code can be deleted.

rm -f App.js

Step 5 - Compiling and starting the application

Build Clojurescript source

Run the following command in the console:

npx shadow-cljs watch app

This can take a while, but needs to be done only once. After that, it will quickly re-compile source on every change.

Start react native

Run the following command in another terminal window:

npx react-native start

Start mobile device

Just execute npx react-native run-android or npx react-native run-ios

Enable shadow-cljs reloading

Once the application is started, you should disable react-native reloading feature. Start debug menu and disable the "Fast Refresh" option. Once disabled, shadow-cljs will be responsible for reloading the application code, which is much faster and keeps application state between reloads.

Step 6 - happy coding

That's it. You can now continue on your own coding react-native application in Clojurescript.

You may also want to take a look at this repo for a sample application that use native-base library.

Step 6 - Add native-base

In order to use any react-native library, it needs to be added by your favourite node package manager. Use either npm or yarn.

yarn add native-base


npm install --save native-base

If you are using older version of the react-native it also needs to be linked to the react-native

npx react-native link native-base

This linking step is not required when using react-native version of 0.60 or newer.

Note: If you plan to use Icons you need to set up react-native-vector-icons as described on its home page.

Note on native dependencies

After adding any native dependency you need to re-run the application by running npx react-native run-android. If you still have issues, you need to manualy delete android build files located in ./android/app/build*, uninstall the application from your device, and re-run npx react-native run-android to fully rebuild the appliacation.

Add the latest rn-native-base as a dependency to your project.

After adding, it's required to restart react-native and rebuild and restart application.


Heavy lifting is done using the excellent /flexsurfer/rn-shadow-steroid library. Take a look at it for more documentation.

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