
A universal link component for react and react-router

MIT License



A universal link component for react and react-router, this library encapsulates <a> element from DOM and <NavLink> component from react-router, also it allows you to create any link component from url template.


The basic component is the Link named export, it receives props:

  • {string} to: The target URL of link.
  • {boolean} external: Set target="_blank" to <a> element, this also adds rel="noopener noreferrer" prop.
  • {boolean} refresh: Use simple <a> element instead of react-router's <Link> component, which will lead a refresh of page when clicked.
  • {string} activeClassName: The same as react-router's <NavLink> component, when this prop is provided a non empty value, <NavLink> is used instead of <Link>.

Other props will be passed down to <a> element or <Link> component.


This package also exports two components to fix the external or refresh prop:

export const ExternalLink = props => <Link external {...props} />;

export const HyperLink = props => <Link refresh {...props} />;

Template Link

The createLink named export is a function to create a unversal <Link> component from a url template:

{Component} createLink({string | UriTemplate} urlTeamplte, {Object} [defaults])

The urlTemplate parameter can be either a string or a template object generated by uri-templates package, the basic usage can be:

import {createLink} from 'react-omni-link';

// Without any prop
const UserListLink = createLink('/users');

// Inline prop to url
const UserProfileLink = createLink('/users/{username}');

// Inline prop without url encoding
const DocumentViewLink = createLink('/documents/{+path}');

// Expand object prop to query string
const DocumentEditLink = createLink('/documents/{+path}/edit{?params*}');

// Default some props
const AdminConsoleLink = createLink('/console', {external: true});

See uri-templates pacakge for details template syntax.