
Opinionated glue for creating web apps with `react` and `redux`.



Opinionated glue for building web apps with React and Redux.

Glues together react, redux, react-router, react-router-redux, redial and redux-devtools-extension. Useful for both client side and UniversalJS apps.

This package is experimental and the API may receive breaking changes before v1.0.0.


npm install --save rechannel react react-dom react-redux \
  react-router react-router-redux redial redux



import rechannel from 'rechannel';
import routes from './routes';
import reducer from './reducer';

//creates a store, sets up the router, pre-fetches the necessary data
// and renders the page

Note: If you're not using a server you'll have to create your own HTML file.

Try the example.


import express from 'express';
import rechannel from 'rechannel';
import routes from './routes';
import reducer from './reducer';

const app = express();

app.use('/', express.static(`./public`));

//returns a middleware function that creates a store, sets up the router, pre-fetches necessary data
// and renders the page

const server = app.listen(8000, () => {
  const host = server.address().address;
  const port = server.address().port;
  console.log('App running at http://%s:%s', host, port);

Try the example.


rechannel(options : object)

Create a store, set up the router, pre-fetch necessary data and render the page.


Common options:

  • routes : Element|function Required. A <Route/> element or a function creating a <Route/> element. Function are passed the getState() and dispatch() methods from the redux store (useful for restricting access in a onEnter hook). Learn more about configuring routes in the React Router docs.
  • reducer : object Required. A keyed object of reducer functions that may be passed to combineReducers(). Learn more about reducer functions in the Redux docs.
  • middleware : array<function> Optional. An array of middleware functions. Learn more about middleware functions in the Redux docs.
  • enhancer : array<function> Optional. An array of enhancer functions. Learn more about enhancer functions in the Redux docs.
  • history : History Optional. A history instance. Default's to react-router's browserHistory on the client and the result of react-router's createMemoryHistory on the server. Learn more about history objects in the react-router Histories docs.


  • $init : function Optional. Called after the redux store is initialised. May return a promise.
  • $load : function Optional. Called after any data is (pre-)loaded. May return a promise.

Client specific options:

  • element : HTMLElement Optional. The HTMLElement which React will render into. Defaults to document.querySelector('#app').

Server specific options:

  • html : Component Optional. A component that renders the root HTML. Passed the Redux state and the React Router component(s) as children via props. Defaults to this component.
  • send : function(res, html) Optional. A function that allows customisation of the response sent by the server. Passed the response object and a HTML string.


Returns nothing on the client. Returns an express middleware function on the server.

Note: On the client, routes aren't re-created for each time you navigate to a new page, if you're using a factory function to create the routes and utilising the cookies or query parameters, the routes won't be re-created with the new query or cookie values. The route factory function will only be re-evaluated when you re-load the page.

createHtml(options : object)

Create a React component for rendering <html> on the server.


  • title : string|function
  • script : string|Array<string>
  • style : string|Array<string>


Returns a React component for rendering <html> on the server.

Change log



  • add: added headers as a parameter for all hooks
  • add: now passing query, cookies and headers to your Html component


  • add: added the ability to provide a custom history object
  • add: added redux-immutable-state-invariant to non-production builds which trigger an error when the redux state has been mutated
  • add: added validation around some of the options to assist developers in finding problems earlier


  • add: added a query parameter to the $init, $load and fetch hooks


  • fix: fixed a bug where routes weren't being re-created per request so conditional routing resulted in outcomes


  • add: added $init() and $load() hooks


  • add: allow routes to be a function


  • fix: add keyword metadata


  • fix: createHtml() parameters script and style need to be cast to arrays


  • add: createHtml() parameters script and style now accept an array of script and style files


  • break: turned the Html component into a factory function to allow customisation of the <html> title, script and style names

To do

  • write tests
  • rename fetch trigger to load
  • allow the reducer to be a single reducer function
  • allow the middleware and enhancer parameters to be a function call that receives the req in order to be configured e.g. redux-effects-cookie
  • clean-up locals passed to redial - allow them to be user configurable
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