
React SPA based on hooks that lets users vote through the Polls API



A single page application that lets users vote through the Polls API

Demo: https://pedantic-poitras-60ab7e.netlify.com


To run the project locally clone the repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/alexandr-g/polls.git

Install project dependencies:

$ yarn

Build and start project in development mode:

$ yarn start

This opens http://localhost:8080 in your default browser that will serve webpack output with a running app

Build production js bundle:

$ yarn build


Run tests using Jest:

$ yarn test

Project Structure

├── src                             - All the source code
│   ├── components                  - React UI components
│   ├── api                         - API
│   └── index.js                    - JS entry point
│   ├── index.html                  - HTML entry point
├── .babelrc                        - Babel config to transpile ES6
├── .gitignore                      - Ignore files for source control (node_modules, test coverage)
├── package.json                    - List of dependencies, npm scripts, author etc.
├── README.md                       - Project Overview and instruction how to run and test
├── webpack.config.js               - Custom webpack config
├── yarn.lock                       - Locked project dependencies
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