
Universal avatar makes it possible to fetch/generate an avatar based on the information you have about that user.

MIT License


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Universal avatar makes it possible to fetch/generate an avatar based on the information you have about that user. We use a fallback system that if for example an invalid Facebook ID is used it will try Google, and so on.

For the moment we support following types:

The fallbacks are in the same order as the list above were Facebook has the highest priority.


Check it live!


Install the component using NPM:

$ npm install react-avatar --save

# besides React, react-avatar also has prop-types as peer dependency,
# make sure to install it into your project
$ npm install prop-types --save

Or download as ZIP.

Note on usage in Gatsby projects

Users of Gatsby who are experiencing issues with the latest release should install react-avatar@corejs2 instead. This is an older version (v3.7.0) release of react-avatar that still used core-js@2.

If you'd like to use the latest version of react-avatar have a look at #187 for a workaround and #187, #181 and #198 for a description of the issue.


  1. Import Custom Element:

    import Avatar from 'react-avatar';
  2. Start using it!

    <Avatar name="Foo Bar" />

Some examples:

<Avatar googleId="118096717852922241760" size="100" round={true} />
<Avatar facebookId="100008343750912" size="150" />
<Avatar githubHandle="sitebase" size={150} round="20px" />
<Avatar vkontakteId="1" size="150" />
<Avatar skypeId="sitebase" size="200" />
<Avatar twitterHandle="sitebase" size="40" />
<Avatar name="Wim Mostmans" size="150" />
<Avatar name="Wim Mostmans" size="150" textSizeRatio={1.75} />
<Avatar value="86%" size="40" />
<Avatar size="100" facebook-id="invalidfacebookusername" src="" />
<Avatar name="Wim Mostmans" unstyled={true} />

Manually generating a color:

import Avatar from 'react-avatar';

<Avatar color={Avatar.getRandomColor('sitebase', ['red', 'green', 'blue'])} name="Wim Mostmans" />

Configuring React Avatar globally

import Avatar, { ConfigProvider } from 'react-avatar';

<ConfigProvider colors={['red', 'green', 'blue']}>
        <Avatar name="Wim Mostmans" />



Attribute Options Default Description
className string Name of the CSS class you want to add to this component alongside the default sb-avatar.
email string String of the email address of the user.
md5Email string String of the MD5 hash of email address of the user.
facebookId string
twitterHandle string
instagramId string
googleId string
githubHandle string String of the user's GitHub handle.
skypeId string
name string Will be used to generate avatar based on the initials of the person
maxInitials number Set max nr of characters used for the initials. If maxInitials=2 and the name is Foo Bar Var the initials will be FB
initials string or function defaultInitials Set the initials to show or a function that derives them from the component props, the method should have the signature fn(name, props)
value string Show a value as avatar
alt string name or value The alt attribute used on the avatar img tag. If not set we will fallback to either name or value
title string name or value The title attribute used on the avatar img tag. If not set we will fallback to either name or value
color string random Used in combination with name and value. Give the background a fixed color with a hex like for example #FF0000
fgColor string #FFF Used in combination with name and value. Give the text a fixed color with a hex like for example #FF0000
size length 50px Size of the avatar
textSizeRatio number 3 For text based avatars the size of the text as a fragment of size (size / textSizeRatio)
textMarginRatio number .15 For text based avatars. The size of the minimum margin between the text and the avatar's edge, used to make sure the text will always fit inside the avatar. (calculated as size * textMarginRatio)
round bool or length false The amount of border-radius to apply to the avatar corners, true shows the avatar in a circle.
src string Fallback image to use
style object Style that will be applied on the root element
unstyled bool false Disable all styles
onClick function Mouse click event


Attribute Options Default Description
colors array(string) default colors A list of color values as strings from which the getRandomColor picks one at random.
cache cache internal cache Cache implementation used to track broken img URLs
initials function defaultInitials A function that derives the initials from the component props, the method should have the signature fn(name, props)
avatarRedirectUrl URL undefined Base URL to a Avatar Redirect instance


import Avatar, { ConfigProvider } from 'react-avatar';

<ConfigProvider colors={['red', 'green', 'blue']}>
        <Avatar name="Wim Mostmans" />


This class represents the default implementation of the cache used by react-avatar.

Looking to implement more complex custom cache behaviour?

Attribute Options Default Description
cachePrefix string react-avatar/ The prefix for localStorage keys used by the cache.
sourceTTL number 604800000 (7 days) The amount of time a failed source is kept in cache. (in milliseconds)
sourceSize number 20 The maximum number of failed source entries to keep in cache at any time.


import Avatar, { Cache, ConfigProvider } from 'react-avatar';

const cache = new Cache({

    // Keep cached source failures for up to 7 days
    sourceTTL: 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000,

    // Keep a maximum of 20 entries in the source cache
    sourceSize: 20

// Apply cache globally
<ConfigProvider cache={cache}>
        <Avatar name="Wim Mostmans" />

// For specific instances
<Avatar name="Wim Mostmans" cache={cache} />

Avatar Redirect

Avatar Redirect adds support for social networks which require a server-side service to find the correct avatar URL.

Examples of this are:

  • Twitter
  • Instagram

An open Avatar Redirect endpoint is provided at However this endpoint is provided for free and as such an explicit opt-in is required as no guarantees can be made about uptime of this endpoint.

Avatar Redirect is enabled by setting the avatarRedirectUrl property on the ConfigProvider context


In order to run it locally you'll need to fetch some dependencies and a basic server setup.

  • Install local dependencies:

    $ npm install
  • To test your react-avatar and your changes, start the development server and open http://localhost:8000/index.html.

    $ npm run dev
  • To create a local production build into the lib and es folders.

    $ npm run build

Implementing a custom cache

cache as provided to the ConfigProvider should be an object implementing the methods below. The default cache implementation can be found here

Method Description
set(key, value) Save value at key, such that it can be retrieved using get(key). Returns undefined
get(key) Retrieve the value stored at key, if the cache does not contain a value for key return null
sourceFailed(source) Mark the image URL specified in source as failed. Returns undefined
hasSourceFailedBefore(source) Returns true if the source has been tagged as failed using sourceFailed(source), otherwise false.

Reducing bundle size

Webpack 4

When using webpack 4 you can rely on tree shaking to drop unused sources when creating your Avatar component like the example below.

import { createAvatarComponent, TwitterSource } from 'react-avatar';

const Avatar = createAvatarComponent({
    sources: [ TwitterSource ]

Exported sources:

  • GravatarSource
  • FacebookSource
  • GithubSource
  • SkypeSource
  • ValueSource
  • SrcSource
  • IconSource
  • VKontakteSource
  • InstagramSource
  • TwitterSource
  • GoogleSource
  • RedirectSource

Without Webpack >= 4

If you are using a version of webpack that does not support tree shaking or are using a different bundler you'll need to import only those files you need.

ES6 modules

import createAvatarComponent from 'react-avatar/es/avatar';
import TwitterSource from 'react-avatar/es/sources/Twitter';

const Avatar = createAvatarComponent({
    sources: [ TwitterSource ]

Transpiled ES5 javascript / commonjs

const createAvatarComponent = require('react-avatar/lib/avatar').default;
const TwitterSource = require('react-avatar/lib/sources/Twitter').default;

const Avatar = createAvatarComponent({
    sources: [ TwitterSource ]

Products using React Avatar


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


For detailed changelog, check Releases.



MIT License