is a brilliant✨ easy to use feedback tool

MIT License

9 is a tool to get your users feedbacks, designed to be as simple to use as possible, following the Web Components standards. Users' feedbacks are sent directly to your favorite project management tools 🎉 . is built around an open source Web Component and a backend reciving the users feedback.

And we do no data retention at all about those feedbacks 👏

Getting started

start on

By default, component posts feedbacks to api. If you wish, It can be connected with your own.

The free api allows to pass feedbacks on to tools such as

Table of Contents

Installation Usage Configuration     BrtConfig     BrtField     BrtLabels     BrtColors Add data in feedbacks Handle errors Frameworks integration Contributing Known issues Having troubles?

Installation can be installed either with a command line

npm install @bruit/component --save

Or by directly modifying your index.html file

    <script type="module" src=""></script>
    <script nomodule src=""></script>


Simply add this tag wherever you want in your project:

<bruit-io> ... optional element to click ... </bruit-io>

These properties are available on the component:

Integration code examples are available for these platforms:


bruit-io Web Component has a config attribute, which takes a value of BrtConfig type.


Describes the options for the bruit-io component

interface BrtConfig {
  apiKey?: string;
  form: Array<BrtField>;
  labels?: BrtLabels;
  colors?: BrtColors;
  closeModalOnSubmit?: boolean;
  apiUrl?: string;
  durationBeforeClosing?: number;
  elementToRenderSelector?: string;
  screenshot?: {
    maxWidth?: number,
    maxHeight?: number,
    imageType?: string,
    compression?: number
Attribute Type Description Mandatory Default value
apiKey string your personal api key (create an api key) no -
form array<BrtField> inputs list for the generated form yes -
labels BrtLabels describes the labels of the modal (title / button / ...) no see
colors BrtColors Allows to pick your colors in the modal theming no see
closeModalOnSubmit boolean true to have modal closed automatically on submit (feedback is sent in background) no false
apiUrl string Allows to use some third party backend for feedback processing no see
durationBeforeClosing number Allows to define a number of milliseconds before the popup gets closed no -
elementToRenderSelector string sets the css selector of the element to use as the root of the rendering for the screenshot no document.body
screenshot.maxWidth number the maximum width of the generated screenshot. Set it to have the screenshot resized when it's too large no -
screenshot.maxHeight number the maximum height of the generated screenshot. Set it to have the screenshot resized when it's too tall no -
screenshot.imageType image/png ; image/jpeg the type of image to generate no image/png
screenshot.compression number the compression to apply to the screenshot between 1 (no compression) and 0 (fully compressed) ; only applies to image/jpeg type no 0.9

Typescript import :

import { BrtConfig } from '@bruit/component';


Describes both the fields displayed in the popup form and the users' answers.

interface BrtField {
  id?: string;
  label: string;
  type: BrtFieldType;
  required?: boolean;
  value?: any;
  max?: number;
Attribute Type Description Mandatory
id string Unique identifier for the field no
label string Placeholder / label for the field yes
type BrtFieldType The input type of the field yes
required boolean true to make the field required to send the feedback no
value any The value typed by the user no
max number max number for rating type no

BrtConfig.form must contain one BrtField with id="agreement" and type="checkbox", used to check whether personal data should be sent with the feedback.

There are special values for the id attribute:

  • agreement: sets the field to use to check whether user agrees to send his personal data
  • title: sets the field used to display the title of feedback

Typescript import:

import { BrtField } from '@bruit/component';


Used to describe the texts displayed in the modal.

interface BrtLabels {
  title?: string;
  introduction?: string;
  button?: string;
Attribute Description Default value
title Defines the title of the modal
introduction Defines the description text send a feedback
button Defines the text of the submit button send

Typescript import:

import { BrtLabels } from '@bruit/component';


If you feel like an artist 🎨 , you may use BrtColors to change the theme of the modal.

This gives the possiblity to change the header, body, background, errors and focus colors.

Only hexadecimal values are allowed here.

interface BrtColors {
  header?: string;
  body?: string;
  background?: string;
  errors?: string;
  focus?: string;
Attribute Description Default value
header the modal's header color #2D8297
body the color for the background of the modal #eee
background the color used to dim what's behind the modal #444444ee
errors the text color to use for errors #c31313
focus the color to use on focused field #1f5a6

Typescript import:

import { BrtColors } from '@bruit/component';


By default, component posts a feedback to API (

If you wish, it can be connected with your own API.

To do it, you must provide a API endpoint, to be passed to BrtConfig as apiUrl. component posts a BrtFeedback to your API endpoint.

interface BrtFeedback {
  apiKey?: string;
  canvas?: string;
  url?: string;
  cookies?: BrtCookies;
  navigator?: BrtNavigatorInfo;
  display?: BrtScreenInfo;
  logs?: Array<BrtLog>;
  data: Array<BrtData>;

Typescript import:

import { BrtFeedback } from '@bruit/types';

Add data to the feedback

It is possible to automatically had technical data in the feedback, for example the version number of your application, the identifier of the user sending the feedback, etc.

This is done by using either the brt-data or brt-data-fn property on the component.


brt-data property is used to send an array of objects to add to the feedback to the component.

The property takes a BrtData array as a value.


brt-data-fn property takes a function as a value. The function should return either an array of BrtData or a promise of an array of BrtData.


Used to pass additional data to the feedback (ie the application version number)

interface BrtData {
  label: string;
  type?: string;
  value: any;
  id?: string;
Attribute Type Description Mandatory
label string a label for the data yes
type string the type of the data no
value any the value to send yes
id string an identifier for the data no

Typescript import:

import { BrtData } from '@bruit/component';

Handle errors


bruit-io emits onError events when an error occurs.

An error is of type BrtError, composed by a code and a text.

more information about errors


Format of the errors which may be sent by the component.

interface BrtError {
  code: number;
  text: string;

Typescript import:

import { BrtError } from '@bruit/component';

Framework integrations


Integrating bruit-io component to a project without a JavaScript framework is pretty straight forward. When using a simple HTML page, can be added from a CDN as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <script type="module" src=""></script>
    <script nomodule src=""></script>

Then, you may add the bruit-io component directly:

    var bruitCmp = document.querySelector('bruit-io');

    bruitCmp.config = {
      // whatever your config is

from stencil documentation


Using bruit-io component within an Angular project is a two-step process. You need to:

  1. Include the CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA in the modules that use the components
  2. Call defineCustomElements() from main.ts (or some other appropriate place)

Including the Custom Elements Schema

Including the CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA in the module allows the use of Web Components in the HTML files. Here is an example of adding it to AppModule:

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [BrowserModule],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}

The CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA needs to be included in any module that uses

Calling defineCustomElements component includes a function used to load itself in the application window object. That function is called defineCustomElements() and needs to be executed once during the bootstrapping of your application. One convenient place to add it is in the main.ts file as follows:

import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';

import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
import { environment } from './environments/environment';

import { applyPolyfills, defineCustomElements } from '@bruit/component/loader';
// if you want set bruit config :
// import BruitCoreConfig from '@bruit/component/dist/collection/start';

if (environment.production) {

  .catch(err => console.log(err));
applyPolyfills().then(() => {

    // if you want set bruit config :
  // defineCustomElements(window).then(() => {
  //   BruitCore({
  //     logCacheLength: {
  //       click: 5
  //     }
  //   });
  // });

Using in an Angular component

public bruitConfig: BrtConfig = {

public bruitData: Array<BrtData> = [
    value: environment.version

constructor(private api : ApiService){}

bruitDataPromise(): Promise<Array<BrtData>>{
  return this.api.getUser().then( user =>
        label: "user id",
        label: "user email",

handleBruitError(error: BrtError){

from stencil documentation


With an application built using React CLI (namely create-react-app), the easiest way is to include the bruit-io component by calling the defineCustomElements() method in the index.js file.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './index.css';
import App from './App';
import registerServiceWorker from './registerServiceWorker';

import { applyPolyfills, defineCustomElements } from '@bruit/component/loader';
// if you want set bruit config :
// import BruitCoreConfig from '@bruit/component/dist/collection/start';

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
applyPolyfills().then(() => {

  // if you want set bruit config :
  // defineCustomElements(window).then(() => {
  //   BruitCore({
  //     logCacheLength: {
  //       click: 5
  //     }
  //   });
  // });

from stencil documentation


In order to use the bruit-io Web Component inside of a Vue application, it should be modified to define the custom elements and to inform the Vue compiler which elements to ignore during compilation. This can all be done within the main.js file as follows:

import Vue from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import { applyPolyfills, defineCustomElements } from '@bruit/component/loader';

Vue.config.productionTip = false;
Vue.config.ignoredElements = [/bruit-\w*/];

applyPolyfills().then(() => {

new Vue({
  render: h => h(App)

from stencil documentation

Contributing web component is 100% free and open source. Contributing to may involve writing TypeScript, TSX, Stencil, SCSS or Markdown depending on the component you are working on. We are looking for help in any of these areas!

Known issues

Having troubles ?