
A full-stack medical app 🩺 with a React frontend ⚛️ and a Rails API backend 🛠️ for managing user medical info 📋


FullStack Medical Project Monorepo

This mono repo repository contains the frontend and backend codebases for a full-stack medical project. The frontend is built using React with React Bootstrap for UI components, and the backend is a RESTful API built with Ruby on Rails. The application allows users to register and submit their medical information stored in a PostgreSQL database.

Table of Contents

Project Structure

├── backend/ # Rails API backend
│ ├── app/
│ ├── config/
│ ├── db/
│ ├── Gemfile
│ ├── Gemfile.lock
│ └── ...
├── frontend/ # React frontend
│ ├── public/
│ ├── src/
│ ├── package.json
│ ├── package-lock.json
│ └── ...
└── README.md # Project README file

Frontend (Reactjs)


  • The frontend of this project is built using React and is designed to provide a user-friendly interface for users to input their medical information. The form includes fields such as name, profession, specialty, email, and city. The application uses React Bootstrap for styling and UI components.

Installation and Setup

  • Navigate to the frontend directory:
    cd frontend
  • Install the required dependencies:
      npm install
  • Start the development server:
        npm start
  • The frontend application will be available at

Key Features

  • User Registration Form: A form to collect user information such as name, profession, specialty, email, and city.
    React Bootstrap Integration: Utilizes React Bootstrap components for a responsive and modern UI.
    API Integration: Submits form data to the Rails backend API for storage in a PostgreSQL database.

Backend (Rails API)


  • The backend is a RESTful API built using Ruby on Rails. It handles user data submitted from the frontend and interacts with a PostgreSQL database to store user information. The API is versioned under /api/v1 to ensure easy scalability and maintainability. Installation and Setup

  • Navigate to the backend directory:

    cd backend
  • Install the required gems:

    bundle install
  • Setup the database:

    rails db:create
    rails db:migrate
  • Start the Rails server:

    rails server
  • The backend API will be available at


Key Features

  • RESTful API Endpoints: Provides endpoints to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) user information. PostgreSQL Database: Utilizes PostgreSQL for robust and scalable data storage. API Versioning: Implements versioning (/api/v1) to support future enhancements without breaking existing functionality.

  • Running the Application To run the full application, ensure both the frontend and backend servers are running:

  • Start the backend server:

    cd backend
    rails server
  • Start the frontend server:

    cd frontend
    npm start
  • Once both servers are up and running, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access the frontend. The frontend will interact with the backend at http://localhost:3000/api/v1/users Monorepo Structure

  • The monorepo structure allows you to manage both the frontend and backend projects in a single repository. This structure simplifies dependency management, version control, and deployment processes by keeping all related code in one place.

Environment Variables

  • Both the frontend and backend may require environment variables for configuration. Create a .env file in the backend directory and define any necessary variables:

  • For the frontend, environment variables can be defined in a .env file in the frontend directory:

                      API Endpoints
    The backend API provides the following endpoints for user management:
    POST /api/v1/users: Create a new user
    GET /api/v1/users: Retrieve all users
    GET /api/v1/users/:id: Retrieve a specific user
    PUT /api/v1/users/:id: Update a specific user
    DELETE /api/v1/users/:id: Delete a specific user


  • To deploy the monorepo to a service like Render:

  • Ensure all dependencies are installed in both frontend and backend directories. Configure build and start commands:

  • For the backend: bundle install && rails server For the frontend: npm install && npm run build

  • Configure environment variables in the Render dashboard for both services.

  • Deploy both services as separate web services on Render.

    Link the frontend service to the backend API URL using environment variables.