
Repo for REACT Course with MERN Stack


Course Outline for React JS (Using Vite) & MERN Stack

CLASS 1 - Introduction to React and Vite

  • Overview of React: What is React? Why use React?
  • Setting up the Development Environment: Installing Node.js, Vite, and creating a new React project with Vite.
  • Basic Project Structure: Understanding the files and folders in a React project.

CLASS 2 – JSX and Components

  • JSX Syntax: Writing HTML in JavaScript.
  • Functional Components: Creating and using functional components.
  • Class Components: Introduction to class components (briefly, as functional components are more common now).

CLASS 3 – Props and State

  • Props: Passing data between components.
  • State: Managing state within a component.
  • State vs Props: Understanding the difference and use cases.

CLASS 4 – Event Handling and Conditional Rendering

  • Event Handling: Handling user inputs and events.
  • Conditional Rendering: Rendering components based on conditions.

CLASS 5 – Lists and Keys

  • Rendering Lists: Using the map function to render lists.
  • Keys: Understanding the importance of keys in lists.

CLASS 6 – Forms and Controlled Components

  • Forms in React: Creating and handling forms.
  • Controlled Components: Managing form data with state.

CLASS 7 – React Router

  • Introduction to React Router: Setting up React Router.
  • Single Page Applications (SPA): Creating a basic SPA with routing.
  • Nested Routes: Handling nested routes.

CLASS 8 – State Management with Context API

  • Context API: Using Context API for state management.
  • Provider and Consumer: Setting up and using context providers and consumers.

CLASS 9 - Hooks

  • Introduction to Hooks: What are hooks and why do we use them?
  • useState and useEffect: Managing state and side effects.
  • Custom Hooks: Creating and using custom hooks.

CLASS 10 – Advanced Hooks and Performance Optimizations

  • useReducer and useContext: Advanced state management.
  • Memoization: Using React.memo, useMemo, and useCallback for performance optimization.

CLASS 11 – Integrating APIs

  • Fetching Data: Using fetch or axios to get data from APIs.
  • Handling Responses: Managing loading states and errors.

CLASS 12 – Building a Single Page Application

  • Project Setup: Setting up a new project.
  • Component Structure: Planning and creating components.
  • Routing and State Management: Implementing routing and state management.

CLASS 13 – Building a Multipage Application

  • Advanced Routing: Implementing complex routing scenarios.
  • Data Management: Using Context API or a state management library like Redux.

CLASS 14 – Full Stack Blogging System (Part 1)

  • Backend Setup: Setting up a simple backend with Node.js and Express.
  • Database Integration: Connecting to a database (e.g., MongoDB).

CLASS 15 – Full Stack Blogging System (Part 2)

  • Frontend Integration: Connecting the React frontend with the backend.
  • API Integration: Fetching and displaying data from the backend.
  • Final Touches: Adding authentication, deployment, and final optimizations.


Some resources to strengthen your learning.

  1. React Tutorial - GeeksforGeeks
  2. Journey Through React: Beginner to Advanced Project Guide
  3. The Complete ReactJs Course - Basics to Advanced | Udemy
  4. Reactjs Tutorials [Beginners + Advanced] - SPGuides
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