
The official website of the Cambridge University Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Society

AGPL-3.0 License


The code repository for the official website of Cambridge University's Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Society, found at

Frameworks and key libraries


The directories inside the src folder are structured as follows:

  • analytics: analytics components;
  • app: NextJS app router directory;
  • components: UI components;
  • constants: constants;
  • css: CSS files;
  • interfaces: Typescript interfaces;
  • schemas: zod schemas for data validation; and
  • utils: utility functions.


Running a local development server

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Add local environment variables (refer to the schema).
  3. Run pnpm i to install all required dependencies.
  4. Run pnpm dev to run the local development server.

Environment variables schema

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_POSTHOG_KEY: The public key for PostHog analytics.
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_POSTHOG_HOST: The host for PostHog analytics.
  • GOOGLE_CLOUD_API_KEY: The API key for Google Cloud services.
  • GOOGLE_CALENDAR_ID: The ID of the public Google calendar to pull event data from.
  • GOOGLE_CALENDAR_SHAREABLE_LINK: The shareable link to visit the public Google Calendar.


Commits to this repository follow the Conventional Commits format.

© Tahmid Azam ([email protected]) 2024

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