
Currency Converter App using React


Currency Converter

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🌟 Overview

Currency Converter is a feature-rich web application built using React, Tailwind CSS, and JavaScript and hosted on Vercel, ensuring fast, reliable deployment. This app converts between multiple currencies using live exchange rates. The project is structured with React components and Vite for faster builds. The use of Tailwind CSS ensures a modern and responsive UI. ESLint is integrated for code linting. The app fetches real-time data via API, to display accurate conversions between selected currencies.

✨ React Features

  • Functional Components: This app uses React functional components to build the user interface, ensuring reusability and modularity.
  • State Management with useState: The app utilizes useState to manage dynamic data, such as input values and conversion results.
  • Side Effects with useEffect: useEffect is used to fetch live exchange rates, ensuring the data is updated when the component mounts or dependencies change.
  • useId for Unique Identifiers: Used useId to generate unique IDs for elements, ensuring accessibility and preventing collisions, especially in dynamic form inputs.
  • Custom Hooks for API Data: Created custom hooks to encapsulate logic for fetching live currency data from an API, promoting reusability and separation of concerns. This approach improves code organization and simplifies component structure by isolating the data-fetching logic.
  • Props: Components communicate via props, passing data like selected currencies or conversion rates.
  • Vite: This tool is used for fast development builds, improving performance compared to traditional bundlers.

✨ JavaScript Features

  • API Integration: The app fetches live exchange rates from an external API using fetch() for real-time conversions.
  • ES6+ Features: It leverages modern JS features like arrow functions, and template literals for cleaner, more concise code.
  • Data Mapping: The app maps over arrays (e.g., currency options) to dynamically generate elements, ensuring scalability when more currencies are added.
  • Error Handling: Error boundaries or try/catch blocks manage potential API or data fetching errors to enhance user experience.

πŸ“Έ Screenshots

πŸ”§ Installation and Setup

To run this project locally:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd your-repo-name
  3. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Run the Project:

    npm run dev

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