
MIT License



This is the source code of daan.fyi, my personal website. You are free to do with it whatever you want, as long as you give me proper attribution. You are encouraged to learn from it and build upon it.

Tech stack

This website is built on the following tech stack:

  • React as the framework of choice
  • Chakra UI for beautiful and easily extensible components
  • I write content in MDX, which combines the power of Markdown and JSX to
    enable rich and interactive content. I use the unified stack (incl.
    remark and rehype) to interpret and render the Markdown bits.
  • NextJS is the framework that ties everything together and provide static
    site generation and server-side rendering

This site it deployed on Vercel


You need the following to build, run and develop this site locally:

How to build and run

First install all dependencies:

npm prepare
npm install

Start the development server:

npm run dev

The development server supports hot reloading of NextJS pages. This means that only the React components that have changed, will be updated live in the page, without completely reloading the page.

For MDX content, it will actually refresh the whole page.

You can make a production build like this:

npm run build

Now you can run the production build:

npm run start


When building this website, there were a few websites that inspired me and/or helped me with actual solutions to coding problems (yay for open source!):

Thanks for the inspiration!

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