
My static personal blog powered by Next.js

MIT License



ddadaal.me (previously VicBlog) is the personal website of ddadaal.

Currently it is built with Next.js and statically exported.

Check it out now!


  • Static website with modern web technologies
  • Styled using plain HTML and CSS to style with 12 themes to choose
  • Layout and data logic built from scratch
  • Synchronous & Native Search using minisearch
  • Custom and fully-controlled markdown to HTML processing using remark and rehype
  • Code Syntax Highlight using rehype-pretty-code
  • Auto generated RSS Feed at /rss.xml
  • Support multiple languages (Chinese & English) and dynamically changing languages
  • Articles written on markdown; Source code and contents separated
  • Auto generated slide directory using GitHub API on every build
  • AI Features

Tools and Frameworks Used


We are using pnpm for package management.

Notice: If an environment variable is named GITHUB_TOKEN, it will be used to authenticate GitHub requests to fetch slides (to get higher rate limit for CI). If it does not exist, an anonymous request is used, which is adequate for local development.

# install dependencies
pnpm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8000
pnpm dev

# run production build
pnpm build

# **After build**, serve the production build locally
pnpm serve
