
The app is built using a combination of React and Node.js, with a MySQL database to store restaurant data.




The Dinehub App is a web application built to manage and display information about various restaurants. It provides features such as adding new restaurants, editing restaurant details, deleting restaurants, and viewing a list of all restaurants along with user information who owns it. The app is built using a combination of React and Node.js, with a MySQL database to store restaurant data.

Table of Contents

  • Features
  • Tech Stack
  • Getting Started
    • Prerequisites
    • Installation
  • Usage
  • Project Structure
  • Deployement
  • Contributing
  • License


  • Add New Restaurant : Users can add new restaurants to the database, including restaurant name, location, owner email, and other relevant information.

  • Edit Restaurant Details : Existing restaurant details can be updated, allowing users to modify information such as the restaurant's name, address, or contact etc.

  • Delete Restaurants : Restaurants can be removed from the database if they are no longer relevant.

  • View All Restaurants : Users can effortlessly explore a rich database of restaurants, refining searches by name or location. Integrated pagination ensures a seamless browsing experience.

  • User Management : Easily add users along with their associated restaurant names, edit user information, and delete users as needed.

Tech Stack

  • Frontend :

    • React
    • Material UI
    • Redux for state management
    • React hooks (useState, useEffect, useSearchParams, useLocation etc.)
  • Backend :

    • Node.js
    • Express.js for building the API
    • Sequelize as the ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)
    • MySQL as the backend database

Getting Started

  • Follow these instructions to set up and run the project on your local machine.

  • Prerequisites

    • Node.js and npm installed
    • MySQL database server
    • Git
  • Installation

    • Clone the repository : git clone https://github.com/Niteshthori24198/DineHub
    • Navigate to the project directory : cd restaurant_listing_app
    • Install frontend dependencies : npm install
    • Install backend dependencies : npm install
    • Configure the database connection in the server configuration files.
    • Run the development server for the frontend and backend separately :
      • FrontEnd : npm start
      • BackEnd : npm start


  • Visit the app in your web browser.

  • Use the navigation and user interface to add, edit, delete, and view restaurant listings.

  • Snapshots of the App is attached below.

Home Page

Add New Restaurant Page

Restaurant Page

Edit Restaurant Page

User Page

Project Structure

  • Restaurant_App : Contains the frontend React application.
  • Backend : Contains the backend Node.js and Express application.
  • Database : Includes scripts and migrations for setting up and managing the MySQL database.
  • Config : Configuration files for both frontend and backend.
  • Public : Public assets and Material UI template for the frontend.



  • Contributions are welcome! Feel free to enhance our project by submitting your ideas, bug fixes, or new features through pull requests.


  • This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
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