
A React Native Marketplace App built with Expo CLI.

MIT License


Running the Application

View the application

Scan QR Code via the Expo mobile app, or by using Appetize Emulator (Scroll downOpen project using Expo).

App Showcase

Running the application on your machine

To run the application on your machine, follow the steps below:

Setting up the Backend Server

  1. Download/ Clone the repository on your machine.
  2. Open the backend folder via VS Code.
  3. Open the development.json file (configdevelopment.json) and change the asterisks in assetsBaseUrl to your machine IPv4 Address.
  4. Open the terminal at the root of the backend folder (Ctrl + ') and run npm install to install the project dependencies.
  5. Still in the terminal, run the command node index.js to start the backend server.
  6. The backend server is live and ready to be accessed - To confirm that it is live, access http://localhost:9000/api/listings.

Setting up the Application

  1. Download/ Clone the repository on your machine.
  2. Open the app folder via VS Code.
  3. Open the settings.js file (appconfigsettings.js) and change the asterisks in apiUrl to your machine IPv4 Address.
  4. Make sure you have Expo CLI installed globally - if not, install it via npm install -g expo-cli.
  5. Open the terminal at the root of the app folder (Ctrl + ') and run npm install to install the project dependencies.
  6. Still in the terminal, run the command expo start to start the app (make sure an AVD is running).
  7. The application should open automatically on the AVD.

Application features

  • 10 Screens - Welcome, Register, Login, Account, Upload, View Image, Messages, Listings, Listing Edit, and Listing Details Screens.

  • Animation - Using Lottie (Activity Indicator, done animation and more).

  • Authentication - User authentication (Register, Login/out).

  • Cache Layer - Caching Images.

  • Custom and Reusable Hooks - Api, Location, and Notifications.

  • Form Validation - Using Formik.

  • Gesture Handler - Swipe to delete, and pull to refresh.

  • Navigation - Using React Navigation and Stack Navigator.

  • Push Notifications - When messages are received.

  • Reusable Components - Button, Icon, Forms, Screen, Text, Text Input and more.

  • Splash Screen - Logo Screen Design while the app is launching.