
A GPU based particle system React Component for showing data flow


Edge Flow

A GPU based particle system React Component for showing data flow


A React visual Graph component that animates particles between nodes and animates changes to the position of the nodes. This is one of the building block visualization components for building animated diagrams. The Graph component is fixed position. A separate component layer on top adds automatic layout using a force based algorithm.


Assuming you're using webpack or browserify:

npm install edge-flow

Package comes with types built in (it's written using TypeScript).

Live demo at joewood.github.io/edge-flow

Simple Directed Graph Usage

import { EdgeFlowDag, NodeDag, EdgeDag } from "edge-flow"

:: ::

render() {
    return (
        <EdgeFlowDag style={{backgroundColor:"#0f0f0f",height:600,width:600}} run={true}>
            <NodeDag key="1" id="node-1" label="node-1' labelColor="white" >
                <EdgeDag linkTo="node-2" ratePerSecond={30} color="blue" size={2} />
            <NodeDag key="2" id="node-2" label="node-2' labelColor="white">
                <EdgeDag linkTo="node-3" ratePerSecond={30} color="red" shape={0.2}/>
            <NodeDag key="3" id="node-3" label="node-3' labelColor="white">
                <EdgeDag linkTo="node-1" ratePerSecond={30}  color="pink" shape={0.8} size={10} />


import { EdgeFlow, Node, Edge } from "edge-flow"

:: ::

render() {
    return (
        <EdgeFlow style={{backgroundColor:"#0f0f0f",height:600,width:600}} run={true}>
            <Node key="1" id="node-1" label="node-1' center={{x:30,y:20}} labelColor="white" >
                <Edge linkTo="node-2" ratePerSecond={30} color="blue" size={2} />
            <Node key="2" id="node-2" label="node-2' center={{x:530,y:120}} labelColor="white">
                <Edge linkTo="node-3" ratePerSecond={30} variationMin={-0.01} variationMax={0.05} color="red" shape={0.2}/>
            <Node key="3" id="node-3" label="node-3' center={{x:330,y:520}} labelColor="white">
                <Edge linkTo="node-1" ratePerSecond={30} variationMin={-0.06} variationMax={0.06} color="pink" shape={0.8} size={10} />

Components and Properties

Animated Directed Acrylic Graph - EdgeFlowDag

For a live demo see here.

Prop Datatype Description
backgroundColor string Background Color of the canvas
height, width number Size of the Graph
run boolean Animate Graph


Prop Datatype Description
id string Used to identify the node (for edges)
label? string Label attached to the Node
labelColor? string Color of the label text
symbol? string String used for a font-icon (e.g. FontAwesome)
symbolColor? string Color for symbol font-icon
symbolSize? number Size of font-icon
symbolFont? string Symbol Font name (e.g. "fontawesome")


Prop Datatype Description
linkTo string The id of the node to link to
ratePerSecond number How many particles animating per second through the edge
variationMin? number The minimum width of the Edge for random dispersal (default -0.01)
variationMax? number The maximum width of the Edge for random dispersal (default 0.01)
color? string Color of the particle (or color at starting position)
endingColor? string Color of the particle at the target position (optional, defaults to starting color)
shape? number Roundness of particle range 0..1 - 1 being circle, 0 being square
size? number Size of the particles (range 1..20)
pathColor? string Color of the edge's path (defaults to lighter shade of canvas background)
pathWidth? number Width of the line for the edge's path (default 12)
pathOpacity? number Opacity of the path for the edge (default is 0.2)
nonrandom boolean Disable random distribution of particles (evenly spaced)


Main underlying component providing absolute positioning

Prop Datatype Description
style: Style...
style.backgroundColor string Background Color of the canvas
style.height number Size of the Graph, pixels
style.width number Size of the Graph
run boolean Animate Graph


Represents a node on the Graph

Prop Datatype Description
id string Used to identify the node (for edges)
center {x,y} Location of Node (auto-scales)
label? string Label attached to the Node
labelColor? string Color of the label text
symbol? string String used for a font-icon (e.g. FontAwesome)
symbolColor? string Color for symbol font-icon
symbolSize? number Size of font-icon
symbolFont? string Symbol Font name (e.g. "fontawesome")


Child component of a Node. Indicates which other Nodes this Node links to.

Prop Datatype Description
linkTo string The id of the node to link to
ratePerSecond number How many particles animating per second through the edge
variationMin? number The minimum width of the Edge for random dispersal (default -0.01)
variationMax? number The maximum width of the Edge for random dispersal (default 0.01)
color? string Color of the particle (or color at starting position)
endingColor? string Color of the particle at the target position (optional, defaults to starting color)
shape? number Roundness of particle range 0..1 - 1 being circle, 0 being square
size? number Size of the particles (range 1..20)
pathColor? string Color of the edge's path (defaults to lighter shade of canvas background)
pathWidth? number Width of the line for the edge's path (default 12)
pathOpacity? number Opacity of the path for the edge (default is 0.2)
source? {x,y} Starting point of edge (defaults to the connected node)
target? {x,y} Ending point of edge (defaults to the connected node)
p2?, p3? {x,y} Cubic bezier control points