
Ehealth React-Redux Boilerplate for developing web applications that interact with Innovation Lab's DHDR.


Ehealth React Redux

This is a React-Redux boilerplate for developing web applications that interact with Innovation Lab's DHDR. Queries are made by submitting a health card number to the test API. This can be used for DHIR with minimal modifications.


The API does not allow OPTIONS pre-flight call. As a workaround, a proxy server is provided in the server folder that intercepts OPTION requests and sets appropriate headers. The API details are available here.

How to use:

  • STEP 1: Sign up for a free test account at the innovation-lab website and get you access key.

  • STEP 2: Find a test health card number here

  • STEP 3: Get the license text here

  • STEP 4: Rename the /config/config.example.js file to config.js and add access credentials obtained above.

  • STEP 5: run

npm install or yarn install

  • STEP 6: cd to server and run

npm install or yarn install

  • STEP 7: From the server folder

npm run dev

Conceptual Diagram from my OpenMRS OWA boilerplate. (This is similar)

This project was generated with Create Redux App. Refer to docs/create-redux-app to find more information on how to perform common tasks.


Bell Eapen (McMaster U)

Extracted from project README
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