
A simple and compact boilerplate for electron and react (redux, router)

MIT License


ElectronJS + ReactJS boilerplate

A simple and clean boilerplate for Electron and react. It includes:


NodeJS v8.3.0

  • Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/tahnik/electron-react.git
  • Edit the package.json to change the name to your project name and description to your project description. Change the author as well.
  • Run npm i
  • Then run the project as described in the section below

How to

  • To run in development mode with hot reloading, open a terminal inside your project and run

    npm run dev

    This commands creates a webpack dev server which will watch and reload the bundle as you edit and will it available at https://localhost:8080. The command will also run the electron app in development mode. So it will open up devtools with React and Redux devtools initialized.

  • To build the app and test if it is working:

    npm start

    This command will compile the app in production mode and start the app. Here is you still toggle the developer tools from the menu and see if there is any errors

  • To package the app and create a distributable:

    npm run dist

    This will create a relevant distributable file. For example, if you are on Windows, it will create a .exe file in the release folder.


Awesome! Create a new issue or do a pull request.

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