
fitfab user interface experience is a collection of React components and utilities for building user interfaces using web api technologies. (and of course, Reactjs.)



fitfab user interface experience is a collection of React components and utilities for building webpages relying on modern web apis.

This project uses the following technologies:


[] add unit test

[] add storybook accessibility plugin

[] add light-house or web-vitals

Create project with Vitejs

I started with the following CMD:

yarn create vite fitfab-uix --template react-ts

Vite Library Mode

Follow these steps from the Vite library mode documentation to setup the project as a library:


Use TypeScript to generate the types of the components and utilities with the command below.

// Command to generate the types within the package.json file
"postbuild": "tsc --emitDeclarationOnly"

And type checking is enabled when building with the following command.

// Command to build the project with type checking within the package.json file
"build": "tsc --noemit && vite build",

Install Storybook with Vitejs builder

Install storybook with the command below at the foot of the project.

npx sb init --builder @storybook/builder-vite

Enable Vite code spliting by adding the following configuration to the .storybook/main.js file. Read more about Storybook Performance: Vite vs Webpack.

  features: {
    storyStoreV7: true,

Reference: Storybook for vite

Install Tailwindcss

yarn add -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
npx tailwindcss init

The command above will generate the tailwindcss.config.js file. Update the tailwind.config.js content to point to the src directory se below.

module.exports = {
  // ...points to the src directory
  content: ["./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}"],
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [],

Then create a postcss.config.js file with the following content.

module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    tailwindcss: {},
    autoprefixer: {},

Create a styles folder with a main.css file in it.

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

Point Storybook to the new Tailwindcss styles

Update the .storybook/preview.js file to consume the stylesheet by importing it.

import "../src/styles/main.css";
export const parameters = { //... rest of the code

Standardjs setup

Refer to the official supported variant for TypeScript ts-standard for more information.

# Install the official supported variant for TypeScript
yarn add -D ts-standard
// update the package.json file to tell ts-standard to use the tsconfig.json file
  "ts-standard": {
    "project": "./tsconfig.json"

VScode Worksapace setup with ts-standard

Workspace settings are specific to a project and can be shared across developers on a project. Workspace settings override user setting


VSCode workspace documentation

ts-standard options

// workspace settings
  "editor.defaultFormatter": "standard.vscode-standard",
  "editor.formatOnSave": true,
  "[typescriptreact, typescript]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "standard.vscode-standard",
    "editor.formatOnSave": true
  "": "onSave",
  "standard.enable": true,
  "standard.engine": "ts-standard",
  "standard.usePackageJson": true,
  "standard.autoFixOnSave": true

Caveat after setting ts-standard

I have to ignore linting for vite.config.ts because it throws the error below.

vite.config.ts:0:0: Parsing error: "parserOptions.project" has been set for @typescript-eslint/parser.
The file does not match your project config: vite.config.ts.
The file must be included in at least one of the projects provided. ()

also, I have to ignore linting for vite-env.d.ts because it throws the error below.

Do not use a triple slash reference for vite/client, use `import` style instead.

Commilint setup

Reference: Commilint local setup guide

# 1. Install the npm package
yarn add -D @commitlint/{cli,config-conventional}

# 2. Create a commilint.config.js file and 
# configure commitlint to use conventional config
echo "module.exports = { extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional'] };" > commitlint.config.js

Install Husky

Reference: A handy git hook helper.

# 1. Install the npm package
yarn add -D husky

# 2. Enable git hooks
npx husky install

# 3. To automatically have Git hooks enabled after install, edit package.json
npm set-script prepare "husky install"

# 4. The command above will add this to the package.json file:
  "scripts": {
    "prepare": "husky install"

# 5. Add 1st hook with the Command below
cat <<EEE > .husky/commit-msg
. "\$(dirname "\$0")/_/"

npx --no -- commitlint --edit "\${1}"

# 6. Add 2nd hook with the husky Command below
npx husky add .husky/pre-commit "npx lint-staged"

Lint-staged setup

# 1. Install the npm package
yarn add -D lint-staged

# 2. Add the following to the package.json file
  "lint-staged": {
    "*.{js,ts,tsx}": [
      "yarn lint"

Release-please setup

Reference: Release-please github action setup documentation

Jest & Testing-library setup

yarn add -D jest @types/jest jest-environment-jsdom ts-jest @testing-library/jest-dom @testing-library/react @testing-library/react-hooks @testing-library/user-event identity-obj-proxy
  • Add a jest.setup.ts file jest.setup.ts

    // jest-dom adds custom jest matchers for asserting on DOM nodes.
    // allows you to do things like:
    // expect(element).toHaveTextContent(/react/i)
    // learn more:
    import '@testing-library/jest-dom'
  • Add a jest.config.js file jest.config.js

    Make sure you point to the jest.setup.ts within jest.config.js file.

      // A list of paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing framework before each test file in the suite is executed
      setupFilesAfterEnv: ['<rootDir>/jest.setup.ts'],
  • Update the tsconfig.json file to include the following types:

      "types": ["vite/client", "@types/jest", "@testing-library/jest-dom"]