
A Gutenberg Workshop



This plugin adds a different Gutenberg blocks in the Gutenberg editor of your WordPress dashboard.

Features 📋

  1. One Stop shop for learning Gutenberg
  2. Gutenbeg Blogs and Video Tutorial Links
  3. Gutenberg Example Plugins.

Installation 🔧

  1. Download the zipped plugin. Unzip the plugin.

  2. Navigate to the Plugins > Add new screen in your WordPress administrative dashboard.

  3. Click Add New at the top of the page.

  4. Click Upload Plugin at the top of the page.

  5. Click Choose File, then find and Upload the downloaded renamed zip file.

  6. After the plugin finishes installing, click Activate.

    or, Go to your plugin directory from terminal and Clone this repo in wp-content/plugins directory git clone And then activate it from Plugins screen in your WordPress administrative dashboard.

  7. That's it!

Configuration ( @wordpress/scripts )

  • This plugin uses @wordpress/scripts which installs and sets up webpack and babel config out of the box
  • The @wordpress/scripts is installed in the root of the project. This is one single plugin that registers many blocks.
  • By default @wordpress/package uses src/index.js as entry point and build/index.js
  • However we have also created custom scripts by overriding the defaults.
  • Example npm run build:dynamic-block will use the dynamic-block/assets/js/block.js as entry point and output it to dynamic-block/build/main.js
  • Each directory like dynamic-block register their own block. Only the bundling happens from the root.

Directory Structure



  1. build:dynamic-block : will use the dynamic-block/assets/js/block.js as entry point and output it to dynamic-block/build/main.js for production
  2. build:dynamic-block-watch : will use the dynamic-block/assets/js/block.js as entry point and output it to dynamic-block/build/main.js in watch mode for development

Similarly Commands for creating bundle file ( JavasScript file ) for other blocks

  1. build:dynamic-block-ssr creates bundle file for dynamic-block-ssr block

  2. build:dynamic-block-ssr-watch creates bundle file for dynamic-block-ssr block in watch mode.

  3. build:custom-category creates bundle file for custom-category block

  4. build:custom-category-watch creates bundle file for custom-category block in watch mode.

Dynamic Block Demo 📹

Custom Category Demo 📹

What is included in this plugin ?

  • The plugin uses ReactJS & ESNext for creating custom gutenberg block, along with PHP's OOP concept
  • It uses Webpack to bundle all of its dependencies into one file index.js
  • Has separate stylesheet for front-end & editor.

Blocks Description 📋

  1. custom-category Creates a custom catageory GW Custom Blocks and registers a block under the same category.

  2. dynamic-block Creates a dynamic block Latest Posts, that renders content as saved from the edit function in editor. The content that is returned by render_callback() is displayed on the front end. Here the editor content and front content can be different if you return different content from edit() in block.js and render_callback() in php file.

  3. dynamic-block-ssr Creates a dynamic block and returns the same content both in editor and front end, what is returned by render_callback(), using <ServerSideRender>. The data that you pass in attributes of<ServerSideRender attributes={{ name: 'Imran' }}> will be available in render_callback( $attributes ) in php. You must define its type in the register_block_type()

Useful Blogs:

  1. Create Gutenberg Block in 3 Steps
  2. Custom Gutenberg Block with ES6
  3. Attributes & Components

Gutenberg Handbook

  1. Gutenberg Handbook

Gutenberg Tutorials

  1. Introduction to Gutenberg
  2. Create Gutenberg Block in 3 Steps
  3. Custom Gutenberg Block using @wordpress/scripts
  4. @wordpress/scripts package features
  5. Attributes and Components | State

Gutenberg Talks

  1. WordCamp Pune: Introduction to Gutenberg

How to use ?

  • Go to WordPress Dashboard > Posts/Pages > Add New > Add block ( + icon ) > Layout Elements > Contact Card
  • Now you can add your picture, name, subtitle, description, twitter link, facebook link and email.
  • When you publish the post you can see this custom contact card block as a part of your post/page on dashboard as well as on front end.
  • This gutenberg block is reusable so you can use it as many times as you want on a post or page to share your contact details.