
A helper library to ease jwt authentication for node-react applications



A helper library to ease jwt authentication for node-react applications. Almost all applications require an authentication service and at some point of time, it feels repititive to do the same thing over and over again. For applications using Node-Express-MongoDB-React, this library would help you create an authentication launchpad with minimum manual configurations.


$ npm install --save node-react-auth


Step #1

The library expects JWT_KEY as an environment variable. Create a .env file and store the JSON web token like -


Add this file in .gitignore and configure your deployment server to host JWT_KEY as an environment variable. TIP - Use env-cmd -f .env in your package.json for hosting environment variables in local.

Refer these docs if you are using Netlify or Heroku to host your website -

Step #2 - Skip to Code

The library provides a few handlers for configuring your express server.

  • createSchema - It creates the User Schema and returns back the model which we will be using afterwards.
  • checkAuth - This middleware is a reusable function which can be used to ensure that the user is authorized.
  • createAuth - This function generates "/signup", "/login", "/current" and "/logout" routes.

😈 Show me the CODE

const express = require("express");
const bodyParser = require("body-parser");
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const server = require("node-react-auth/server");

const PORT = process.env.PORT || 5000;
const MONGO_URI = process.env.MONGO_URI;

const {createSchema, checkAuth, createAuth} = server;

const app = express();

const db = mongoose.connection;
const model = createSchema(db);

app.listen(PORT, () => {

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));

~ Generates /signup, /login, /current, /logout routes.
~ You can provide anything you want in the first parameter.
~ Just note it down since we would need that in the frontend side of things later.
app.use('/user', createAuth(model));  

~ An example of a protected route
~ Would return {"auth": "success"} only when the user is logged in.
app.use('/some', checkAuth(model), (req, res, next) => {
		"auth": "success"

Step #3 - Skip to Code

Let's jump into the React side of things. The library provides a withAuth higher order component which injects a few helpful props into the component passed.

List of Props

Props PropTypes What does it do?
user object An user object would contain - email and id.
loading boolean Would turn to true whenever an API is in progress.
token string The token generated upon successful authentication.
error object An error object would contain - key, status and message.
message string A message string for logging any operation.
signup function An api call to signup the user.
logout function An api call to logout the user.
login function An api call to login the user.
getCurrentUser function An api call to get information about the logged in user.

Parameter Configuration

Functions Parameters Explanation
withAuth Component The Component into which the props would be injected.
apiRoute The root route where the auth routes are generated in express (in this case - /user).
signup body {email: "[email protected]", password: "secret@key"}
logout token Authentication token of logged in user.
allDeviceFlag A flag, if sent as true, would remove all existing tokens for the user.
login body {email: "[email protected]", password: "secret@key"}
getCurrentUser token Authentication token of logged in user.

😈 Show me the CODE

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { withAuth } from 'node-react-auth/client';

class App extends Component {
	state = {
		token: null,
		email: '',
		password: ''
	static getDerivedStateFromProps(props) {
		return ({
			token: props.token
	handleSignup = () => {
			password: this.state.password
	handleLogin = () => {
			password: this.state.password
	handleCurrentUser = () => {
	handleLogout = () => {
	handleAllDeviceLogout = () => {
		this.props.logout(this.state.token, true);

	render() {
		return (
			...your Login or Signup form component

export default withAuth(App, '/user');


Check this out - Basic Authentication with node-react-auth.


If you find a bug, you can file an issue right here.