
A simple, easy to use library for React development in ClojureScript.

MIT License



A simple, easy to use library for React development in ClojureScript.

Update - Transfer of ownership

The original author has kindly agreed to transfer ownership of this project to Nosco. We're using hx in production and don't expect any breaking changes, but we are fixing small issues and minor quality of life improvements as we find them.

Development from the original author has moved to helix. Helix is the latest version of hx, with some breaking changes (no hiccup parser, slightly different hooks API, and a focus on compile-time semantics).


(ns my-app.core
  (:require [hx.react :as hx :refer [defnc]]
            [hx.hooks :as hooks]
            ["react-dom" :as react-dom]))

;; `defnc` creates a function that takes a props object and returns React
;; elements. You may use it just like any normal React component.
(defnc MyComponent [{:keys [initial-name]}]
  ;; use React Hooks for state management
  (let [[name update-name] (hooks/useState initial-name)]
     [:div "Hello " 
      [:span {:style {:font-weight "bold"}} name] "!"]
     [:div [:input {:on-change #(update-name (-> % .-target .-value))}]]]))

  ;; hx/f transforms Hiccup into a React element.
  ;; We only have to use it when we want to use hiccup outside of `defnc` / `defcomponent`
  (hx/f [MyComponent {:initial-name "React in CLJS"}])
  (. js/document getElementById "app"))


You'll want to make sure you have the latest version of react, and whatever renderer you are targeting (e.g. react-dom).

npm i react react-dom

If you want to use the React Hooks API (hx.hooks), you'll need to ensure you are using React 16.8 or later.

What problems does hx solve?

hx is meant to make it simple, easy and fun to use React.js within ClojureScript. It is your bridge to the wide world of React.js in idiomatic CLJS.

The library is split into (currently) three sections, which you can feel free to mix as your project sees fit:

  1. A hiccup interpreter. Takes in [:div {:style {:color "red"}} [:span "foo"]] and spits out React.createElement calls.

  2. Helpers for creating components. defnc and defcomponent help us write plain React.js components in idiomatic ClojureScript.

  3. Helpers for using React Hooks.

What problems does hx not solve?

No opinionated state management, no custom rendering queue. Use it to build your awesome opinionated async reactive immutable app framework. hx is just a Clojure-y interface to creating plain, unadulterated React components.




Projects that use it


Copyright © 2018 Will Acton

Distributed under the MIT license.