
A MERN based graduation planner web application for IIT Gandhinagar students


Planner (build in Hackrush-2021)

A web portal that provides an efficient and intuitive way to track graduation requirements and grades.

Table of contents

Components of the project

  • MongoDB online database
  • Express server
  • React + react-bootstrap client
  • Course parser from csv file


  • Home page
  • Login Page
  • Logout Page
  • Dashboard
  • Edit Plan
    • Create new plan page
    • Edit plan page(availabe through load plan)
  • Shared plan

Screenshots of Website

Back to Table of Contents

Files & Folders

  • index.js: Main server file

  • models: Server loading file

  • initData: Initial semester & course data

  • schemas: Schemas for databases

  • setDefaultCourses.js: database initial data

  • setAllCourses.js: database initial data

  • routes: API routes for end user

    • client: Client folder for end user
  • scrapTimeTable: scrapping course details from CSV

How to run

  • yarn; cd client; yarn;: Installing dependencies
  • yarn c, yarn s, yarn p: Setting up the database
  • yarn start: starting the server
  • yarn server: starting the server in dev mode using nodemon
  • yarn client: starting the client
  • yarn dev: starting both server and client concurrently

mongod for Ubuntu:

  • sudo service mongod start
  • sudo service mongod status
  • sudo service mongod stop
  • sudo service mongod restart

Stopping stucked servers in Ubuntu

  • sudo fuser -k 5000/tcp

Stopping stucked servers in Windows

  • netstat -ano | findstr :5000
  • taskkill /PID <ProcessId> /F

Flow of data

Database storage

  • Default Sem data
  • All courses data
  • Individual plan data

User's browser

  • User queries server to:
    • load default course data
    • save plan data
    • load plan data
    • load the list of saved plans
  • Computations are done in user's browser


  • Reducing the padding and making it more compact.
  • add an overview feature to show
  • floating counter options for each type of courses
  • Draggable components
  • Plans only available to see for authorized people
  • Commenting feature
