
Tinh tế API authentication for React apps


tinhte-api React Component

Quickly setup API authentication against Tinh tế for React applications. See the demo Next.js app.



Install the React library:

npm install --save tinhte-api-react

Or install the core library only:

npm install --save tinhte-api

Both library works similarly in initialization, api calling, etc. The React library is built on top of the core one and provide React components for easy usage in React web app.


clientId is required for api instance to work. For React library: callbackUrl is also required (see below for callback explanation).

import { apiFactory } from 'tinhte-api-react'

const api = apiFactory({
    clientId: 'clientId',
    callbackUrl: 'http://app.domain.com/api-callback'

Render Page

Use ApiProvider higher order component to prepare parent component. The API context will be available for all children components.

import React from 'react'

const Home = () => (
        <ChildOne />
        <ChildTwo />

const HomeWithApi = api.ProviderHoc(Home)

Render Callback

The Provider HOC will attempt to authenticate user using OAuth2 implicit flow and that requires serving an additional page as the target redirection URL. We are going to use React Router below but you can use anything (Next.js page, expressjs route, etc.):

import {BrowserRouter as Router, Route} from 'react-router-dom'

// const api = ☝️

// const HomeWithApi = ☝️

const App = () => (
            <Route exact path='/' component={HomeWithApi} />
            <Route path='/api-callback' component={api.CallbackComponent} />

You can also trigger the function processCallback directly on the callback page,

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/react@^16/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/tinhte-api-react@5/dist/tinhte-api-react.umd.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">TinhteApiReact.processCallback();</script>

Fetch from API

In children components, use apiHoc.ApiConsumer to prepare the api prop and fetch data. It's recommended to only use api if you fetch during some user action (e.g. onClick), in other cases, implement apiFetches or apiFetchesWithAuth and let ApiConsumer manages those for better performance.

import { apiHoc } from 'tinhte-api-react'

const UsersMeBase = ({ api }) => {
    const fetch = () => api.get('users/me')
        .then((json) => console.log(json))
        .error(reason) => console.error(reason))

    return <button onClick={fetch}>Fetch</button>

const UsersMeComponent = apiHoc.ApiConsumer(UsersMeBase)

Use the newly built component anywhere under Provider HOC sub-tree and it will have props.api setup.

const ContainerComponent = () => (
    <UsersMeComponent />




  • config object
    • apiRoot default='https://tinhte.vn/appforo/index.php'
    • auth object
      • accessToken default=''
      • userId default=0
    • callbackUrl default=''
    • clientId default=''
    • cookiePrefix default='': it is possible to use xf_ and the React component will only attempt authentication when xf_session or xf_user cookies exists -- effectively sync logged in status between server side XenForo and client side JavaScript. This requires a patched version of XenForo to work because XF sets the cookie to be http only.
    • debug default=false
    • ott default=''
    • scope default='read'
    • headers default={}: the headers to be sent with all requests. To delete some default header for a specific request, set it to undefined.

Returns an api object.


import { apiFactory } from 'tinhte-api'

const api = apiFactory({ apiRoot, clientId })


tinhte-api-react only. Returns a React component.


tinhte-api-react only. Alias: apiHoc.ApiConsumer


  • Component required React component


  • onFetched function
  • onFetchedWithAuth function

Returns a higher order React component, the underlying component will receive api and api data as props. It can use api directly (api.get(), api.post(), api.batch(), etc.) or it can let the HOC make the requests and benefit from multiple requests from different components being batched together automatically.

Currenty, ApiConsumer supports 2 types of requests: apiFetches and apiFetchesWithAuth. They can be configured this way:

// const ComponentBase = ...

ComponentBase.apiFetches = {
  someKey: {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: [],
    params: {},
    uri: 'some-uri',
    success: (json) => json.jsonKey,
    error: (reason) => someDefaultValue

  postById: (api, { postId }) => {
    if (!postId) {
      return null

    return {
      uri: 'posts',
      params: {
        post_id: postId

ComponentBase.apiFetchesWithAuth = {
  visitorThreads: (api) => {
    const userId = api.getUserId()
    if (!userId) {
      return null

    return {
      uri: 'threads',
      params: {
        creator_user_id: userId

const Component = api.ConsumerHoc(ComponentBase)

The ones declared in apiFetches will be fetched as soon as the parent ApiProvider is mounted. While the ones in apiFetchesWithAuth wait until authentication complete before being fetched. Please note that it's not guaranteed that fetches in apiFetchesWithAuth will have a valid token (a non-logged in user visit your app for example). Each fetch can also be configured with a function, it will receive api and props as params and must return a valid object with uri, method, etc. for the fetch to work.

The HOC will do the fetches and pass data as props for the component to use (in the example above, props.someKey will become available). By default, the HOC will use the response JSON object as the value, you can do some normalization via success to make it easier to render. Additionally, you can specify the error callback to provide some default value in case of a failed request.


tinhte-api-react only. Params:

  • Component required React component


  • apiConfig object
  • apiData object

Returns a higher order React component, the underlying component will receive no additional props.

The props are completely optional and using them is considered advanced usage (yes, they are a bit complicated). The general use case for these props are server side rendering, you can safely ignore them for client only app (if you use apiFetches and apiFetchesWithAuth, it will be very easy to add SSR to your app later). A few examples:

  • You need to pass the one time token from the server to client? You may generate OTT per request and put it into apiConfig:
const ott = api.generateOneTimeToken(clientSecret)

return <ApiProvider apiConfig={{ott}} />
  • You want to render components on the server but they need api data to work? You may use fetchApiDataForProvider, it will give you the apiData object, ready to be use with ApiProvider.



  • rootElement required React root element

Returns a Promise that will resolve to the usable ApiProvider props object.

Example for Next.js:

const ApiProvider = api.ProviderHoc(Page)

ApiProvider.getInitialProps = async () => {
  // clone api instance for security reason
  const reqApi = api.clone()
  const ReqApiProvider = reqApi.ProviderHoc(Page)
  const apiConfig = {}
  if (!process.browser) {
    // client secret should be accessible on server only
    apiConfig.ott = reqApi.generateOneTimeToken(clientSecret)

  const apiData = await api.fetchApiDataForProvider(<ReqApiProvider apiConfig={apiConfig} />)
  return {apiConfig, apiData}



  • api.del
  • api.get
  • api.post
  • api.put


  • options object or string (will be used as uri)
    • body default=undefined
    • keepalive default=false
    • method default='GET'
    • headers default={}
    • params default={}
    • parseJson default=true
    • uri default=''

Returns a Promise that will resolve to the parsed json or raw response object.

A GET request example:

    .then((json) => console.log('success', json.user))
    .catch((reason) => console.warn('error', reason))

Example with a POST request:

  uri: 'threads',
  params: {
    forum_id: 2,
    thread_title: 'Hello',
    post_body: 'World.'

Example with a GET request with headers:

  uri: 'threads',
  headers: { 
    'foo': 'bar',
    'foo1': 'bar1',


  • api.login(clientSecret: string, username: string, password: string): Promise executes POST request to oauth/token with OAuth2 grant_type=password
  • api.refreshToken(clientSecret: string, refreshToken: string): Promise executes POST request to oauth/token with OAuth2 grant_type=refresh_token



  • api.batch


  • fetches required func
  • options object
    • triggerHandlers default=true

Returns a Promise that will resolve to the response JSON object.


api.batch(() => {
        .then((json) => console.log('notifications', json.notifications))
        .catch((reason) => console.warn('notifications error', reason))

        .then((json) => console.log('conversations', json.conversations))
        .catch((reason) => console.warn('conversations error', reason))



  • clientSecret string
  • ttl number|Date

Returns a string.

Note: This method will not work in browser unless debugging is turned on (debug=true). It is strongly recommended against exposing client secret to visitors.


Returns the authenticated access token or empty string.


Returns the configured API root string.


Returns the authentication object.


Returns the configured callback URL string.


Returns the configured client ID string.


Returns the configured cookie prefix.


Returns true if debugging is turned on, or false otherwise.


Returns the configured one time token string.


Returns the configured scope string.


Returns the number of fetches have been made since initialization.


Returns the unique ID string of this api instance.


Returns the authenticated access token or 0.


Returns true if authentication has been set, or false otherwise.


tinhte-api-react only. Params:

  • callback required func

Returns a func that can be used to cancel the callback. It's recommended to use apiFetchesWithAuth instead of using this method directly.


tinhte-api-react only. Params:

  • callback required function

Returns a function that can be used to cancel the callback. It's recommended to use apiFetches instead of using this method directly.


  • api.clone(newConfig)
  • api.updateConfig(newConfig)


import { crypt } from 'tinhte-api'

const { algos, encrypt, decrypt } = crypt
const algo = algos[0] // aes128
const data = 'data'
const key = 'key'

const encrypted = encrypt(algo, data, key)
const decrypted = decrypt(algo, encrypted, key)
assert(encrypted === decrypted)


import { standardizeReqOptions } from 'tinhte-api'

const method = 'POST'
const params = { q: 'foo' }
const uri = 'search'
const uniqueId = standardizeReqOptions({ method, params, uri })