
A simple, easy-to-use translation library based on Context API, with optional localized react-router routing.

MIT License



A simple, easy-to-use translation library based on React's Context API, with optional localized react-router routing.

See demo on CodeSandbox.

Table of Contents

Problem Statement



This ES5 module is distributed via npm and should be installed as a production dependency.

Note: TypeScript syntax is used throughout the docs, but the library should run without issue on a babel/react setup.

Using yarn (preferred)

yarn add -E k2-react-translate

or via npm

npm i -S -E k2-react-translate


Typescirpt type definitions come bundled in.

Project Setup

If using TypeScript in VS Code, add the following configuration to your tsconfig.json to allow for importing json files into your modules:

// tsconfig.json
	"compilerOptions": {
		// other config options ...
		"resolveJsonModule": true

Setup your translations:

If using VS Code, the richie5um2's Sort JSON objects marketplace extension may help to keep your translations file organized.

// translations.json
	"HELLO": {
		"en": "Hello",
		"fr": "Bonjour"
		"en": "Hello, {firstName}",
		"fr": "Bonjour, {firstName}"
		"en": "Available in {countryName}",
		"fr": "Disponsible en {countryName}"
		"en": "<a href='{link}'>Privacy Policy</a>",
		"fr": "<a href='{link}'>Politique de Confidentialité</a>"

Entry point:

// index.tsx
import * as React from 'react'; // standard TypeScript syntax
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; // standard TypeScript syntax
import { LocaleProvider } from 'k2-react-translate';
import { App } from './App';
import translations from './translations.json';

	<LocaleProvider translations={translations} languages={['en', 'fr']} localizeUrls={false}>
		<App />

Documentation (Translation)

k2-react-translate barrels (re-exports) the following sub-modules as named exports:

<LocaleProvider/> - source

A Context API wrapper to <LocaleContext.Provider/>. This wrapper is required to apply k2-react-translate translations.

Props Type Description
translations Object (required) See translations under Project Setup
languages Array (required) An array of language codes. Used as params to react-router if you choose to incorporate localized routing into your app.
defaultLanguage string (optional) Default language, Must be included in the languages array above
localizedUrls boolean (optional), default={false} Option to localize URLs with every route change, page reload or language change. Additionally, add a <Router/> wrapper from react-router, meaning this need not be done in your RouterConfig


See Project Setup above.

useTranslate - source

A custom hook for use in Function Components.

Dependencies: react@^16.8.0, react-dom@^16.8.0


// MyComponent.tsx
import * as React from 'react'; // standard TypeScript syntax
import { useTranslate } from 'k2-react-translate';

const links = {
	en: '/en/privacy-policy',
	fr: '/fr/privacy-policy',

const MyComponent: React.FunctionComponent<{}> = () => {
	const { translate, translateAndParse, language, changeLanguage } = useTranslate<string>();

	const handleClick = (): void => {
		// change language to French

	return (
			// "Hello" (en) - string // "Bonjour" (fr) - string
			{translate('HELLO_NAME', { firstName: 'Jaqen' })}
			// "Hello, Jaqen" (en) - string // "Bonjour, Jaqen" (fr) - string
			{translateAndParse('PRIVACY_POLICY', { link: links[language] })}
			// <a href="/en/privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a> (en) - ReactElement // <a href="/fr/privacy-policy">
				Politique de Confidentialité
			</a> (fr) - ReactElement
			<button onClick={handleClick}>Change Language</button>

<Translator/> - source

A React component that wraps <LocaleContext.Consumer/> that performs translations, given translation keys as prop arguments.

If using react v16.8.0+, I'd strongly recommend using the useTranslate hook above instead. useTranslate works in the same way but provides for cleaner and less verbose use.

Props Type Description
id string (optional) translation key
vars object (optional) dynamic translation variables, set outside the translations.json
render function (optional) render prop, returning (language:string)=>ReactNode
parseHtml boolean (optional), default=false option to sanitize and parse stringified HTML set in the translations.json


// MyComponent.tsx
import * as React from 'react'; // standard TypeScript syntax
import { Translator } from 'k2-react-translate';

const links = {
	en: '/en/privacy-policy',
	fr: '/fr/privacy-policy',

const MyComponent: React.StatelessComponent<{}> = () => {
	return (
			<Translator id="HELLO" />
			// "Hello" (en) - string // "Bonjour" (fr) - string
			<Translator id="HELLO_NAME" vars={{ firstName: 'Jaqen' }} />
			// "Hello, Jaqen" (en) - string // "Bonjour, Jaqen" (fr) - string
			<Translator id="PRIVACY_POLICY" vars={{ link: links[language] }} />
			// <a href="/en/privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a> (en) - ReactElement // <a href="/fr/privacy-policy">
				Politique de Confidentialité
			</a> (fr) - ReactElement

<LanguageSwitcher /> - source

A button wrapped React component that provides the ability to set languages.

Switching languages can alternatively be performed under an exposed function in the useTranslate hook documented here.

Props Type Description
onClick Function Synthentic event


// MyComponent.tsx
import * as React from 'react'; // standard TypeScript syntax
import { LanguageSwitcher } from 'k2-react-translate';

const MyComponent: React.FunctionComponent<{}>=()=>{

    const handleClick:(changeLanguage: (language:string)=> void ): void=>{
        // change language to French

    return <div>
        <LanguageSwitcher onClick={handleClick} />

Documentation (Localized Routing)

Localized routing is optional. If used, react-router-dom would need to be installed as a production dependency.

<LocalizedRoutes/> - source

Provides a simple, non-intrusive way of setting up localized routes. Returns localized <Route/>s or <Redirect/>s components given the routes prop config.

If <LocalizedRoutes/> is used, you need not wrap your RouterConfig with <Router/> or <BrowserRouter/> as this is done within <LocaleProvider/>.

<LocalizedRoutes/> is not recursive.

Props Type Description
routes Array (required) Based on react-router-dom's props
localize Boolean (optional), default=true Option to localize URLs (prepend the language code in the URL)
applySwitch Boolean (optional), default=false Wrap the Route config with <Switch/> components. Required in most cases.


// RouteConfig.tsx
import * as React from 'react'; // standard TypeScript syntax
import { LocalizedRoutes, Route } from 'k2-react-translate';

const RouteConfig: React.FunctionComponent<{}> = () => {
	const routes: Route[] = [
			path: '/', // resolves to /:language/, unless localize={false}
			exact: true,
			component: Home,
			path: '/about', // resolves to /:language/about, unless localize={false}
			component: About,
			localize: true, // should override <LocalizedRoutes localize={[true|false]} />
			// Redirect props
			to: '/page-not-found', // resolves to /:language/page-not-found, unless localize={false}

	return (
			<LocalizedRoutes applySwitch={true} routes={routes} />

<LocalizedRoute/> - source

A localized wrapper to react-router-dom's Route.

You wouldn't need to use <LocalizedRoute/> if <LocalizedRoutes/> is configured.

Props Type Description
...props Object Standard <Route/> component props
localize Boolean (optional), default=true Option to localize URLs (prepend the language code in the URL)


// MyComponent.tsx
import * as React from 'react'; // standard TypeScript syntax
import { LocalizedRoute } from 'k2-react-translate';
import { Home } from './Home';
import { About } from './About';

const MyComponent: React.FunctionComponent<{}> = () => {
	return (
			// automatically resolves to the "/:language" // if "en" is active, then "/en"
			<LocalizedRoute path="/" exact component={Home} />
			// automatically resolves to the "/:language/about-us" // if "en" is active, then
			<LocalizedRoute path="/about" component={About} />

<LocalizedLink/> - source

A localized wrapper to react-router-dom's <Link/>.

Props Type Description
...props Object Standard <Link/> component props
localize Boolean (optional), default=true Option to localize URLs (prepend the language code in the URL)


// MyComponent.tsx
import * as React from 'react'; // standard TypeScript syntax
import { LocalizedLink } from 'k2-react-translate';

const MyComponent: React.FunctionComponent<{}> = () => {
	return (
			// automatically resolves to the "/:language/about-us" // if "en" is active, then
			<LocalizedLink to="/about-us">About Us</LocalizedLink>

<LocalizedRedirect/> - source

A localized wrapper to react-router-dom's <Redirect/>.

Props Type Description
...props Object Standard <Redirect/> component props
localize Boolean (optional), default=true Option to localize URLs (prepend the language code in the URL)


// MyComponent.tsx
import * as React from 'react'; // standard TypeScript syntax
import { LocalizedRedirect } from 'k2-react-translate';

const MyComponent: React.FunctionComponent<{}> = () => {
	// automatically resolves to the "/:language/page-not-found"
	// if "en" is active, then "/en/page-not-found"
	if (someCondition) {
		return <LocalizedRedirect to="/page-not-found">About Us</LocalizedRedirect>;

	// alternatively, `props.history.push` would also resolve URLs by current langauge

	return <div />;


  • Run yarn on the root of the repository.
  • Run yarn start to start the project.
  • Run yarn test:watch to ammend tests.

Known Issues

  • Routing works with <BrowserRouter/> for now
  • <LocalizedNavLink/> is yet to be adapted from <NavLink/>. <LocalizedLink> works equally as
    well, with the exception of the activeClassName prop.