
small application that helps you find the perfect plant for you



Welcome to LeafLovers!

LeafLovers helps you discover the perfect plant match for your lifestyle and preferences. Beyond just matching, it offers a plant exchange platform where you can find and adopt plants from users all over Europe. This web app was crafted by two web development students using React, over a span of seven working days.

LeafLovers is live and ready for you to explore at: https://leaflovers.onrender.com


Find your perfect plant

  • Take the Quiz: Answer a few fun questions about your living conditions and care preferences.
  • Get Recommendations: Receive tailored suggestions for plants that fit your needs, whether you prefer low-maintenance or love tending to your green friends.
  • Detailed Listings: Each plant profile includes information on water and light requirements, toxicity, and edibility.

Adopt plants across Europe

  • Search and Discover: Look for plants available for adoption from other plant enthusiasts across Europe.
  • Filter Your Search: Use filters to sort by water needs, light requirements, and city.
  • Save Favorites: While you are still undecided, save your favorite plants to a personalized list.
  • Adopt a Plant: Find a plant you love and get in touch with the current owner to arrange the adoption.

Technical Details



We hope you enjoy using LeafLovers as much as we enjoyed building it!

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