
A mern authentication boilerplate


MERN Authentication Project 🔒

A full-featured authentication system built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) with additional tools like JWT for token-based authentication, Resend for email verification, Zustand for state management, and Tailwind CSS for styling.


  • User Authentication: Sign-up, sign-in, and logout functionality.
  • Account Verification: Users receive an email with a verification code using Resend. Accounts must be verified before accessing protected routes.
  • JWT Authentication: JSON Web Tokens ensure secure and stateless authentication.
  • Responsive UI: The front-end is built with Vite, React, and Tailwind CSS for a fast and responsive design.
  • State Management: Zustand handles global state management across the app.
  • Icons: Integrated icons enhance the user-friendly interface.

Tech Stack


  • React (Vite) for fast development.
  • Tailwind CSS for sleek, responsive styling.
  • Zustand for managing global state.
  • React Router for routing between pages.


  • Node.js & Express for the server-side.
  • MongoDB for database storage.
  • JWT for secure, token-based authentication.
  • Resend for sending account verification emails.


Sign-Up Page Sign-up page with fields for username, email, and password.

Email Verification Verification page where users enter a 6-digit verification code.

Installation & Setup


Ensure you have the following installed:

Clone the Repository

git clone
cd mern-auth
npm install
cd client
npm install

Starting the Application

  1. Server: Run the server with:
    npm run dev
  2. Client: Start the client app with:
    cd client
    npm run dev


This project is open source and contributions are welcome! If you want to contribute, feel free to open a pull request.

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