
Router and modals advanced system

MIT License


Modales provides a high level interface to manage modals and Route modals inside your React application. Modales is not a/(part of a) CSS library so modals content will look just as you like them to look; Modales will just display a modal in the center of the screen with the content you provide which also takes into account content that is bigger that the view and will provide scroll bars to it.

Modales uses react-router to successfully manage route modales, it also provides extra tools to navigate.


npm install modales

yarn add modales

Getting staterd

You will need a Modales instance to connect, this will connect with the ModalesProvider.

// modales.js

import Modales from 'modales'

const configuration = { blurEnabled: true, routeModalsEnabled: true }
const modales = new Modales(configuration)

export default modales


// modales.ts

import Modales, { ModalesConfiguration } from 'modales'

const configuration: ModalesConfiguration = { blurEnabled: true, routeModalsEnabled: true }
const modales: Modales = new Modales(configuration)

export default modales

Then we need to use the ModalesProvider component to wrap your app and enable the modals display. You should also wrap the app with the react-router Router

// App.js
import React from 'react'
import { BrowserRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom'
import { ModalesProvider } from 'modales'

// Modales instance
import modales from './modales'

export default class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="app">
          <ModalesProvider modales={modales}>
            <Route exact path="/" component={SomeComponent}></Route>

Navigate to a modal route

Use react-router as you normally do just set the state of any route to contain the property modal as true.

<Link to={{ pathname: '/modal', state: { modal: true } }}>Visit modal route</Link>


If you want to give the user a feeling like navigating inside the route modal, something like IMDB when you click on the picture and navigate between them and when you go back no matter how many pictures you navigate it will take you to the movie page.

For this we have modalGroups so when you navigate to a new route in the same modal group it will just change the content of the modal with the new route.

Additionally use replace to make the effect of going back we talked early.

<Link replace to={{ pathname: '/modal', state: { modal: true, modalGroup: 'pictures' } }}>
  Visit modal route


You can choose between 3 types of backgrounds transparent | translucent | blurred, just pass the background prop into the state.

<Link replace to={{ pathname: '/modal', state: { modal: true, background: 'blurred' } }}>
  Visit modal route

Custom modals

Use the Modales instance to launch modals with a particular content. Optionally you can also provided the kind of background and a onOutsideClick callback and a onScape one, to handle if you really want the modal to be closed (Probably launch another modal asking "are you sure?" to the user).

import modales from './modales'

// Return true if you actually want the modal to be closed
function onOutsideClick(event) {
  if (somethig) {
    return true

// Return true if you actually want the modal to be closed
function onScape(event) {
  if (somethig) {
    return true

modales.launchModal(<SomeModalConetent props />, 'transparent', onOutsideClick, onScape)


import modales, { ModalBackground } from './modales'

// Return true if you actally want the modal to be closed
function onOutsideClick(event: MouseEvent): boolean {
  if (somethig) {
    return true

// Return true if you actally want the modal to be closed
function onScape(event: KeyboardEvent): boolean {
  if (somethig) {
    return true

const background: ModalBackground = 'transparent'

modales.launchModal(<SomeModalConetent props />, background, onOutsideClick, onScape)

Router Ref

Modales comes with a useful reference to the router so you can call route actions from your modales instance.

import modales from './modales'

modales.router.push('/path', { modal: true })

Manually Pop a custom modal

If you really need to pop the top modal without depending onOutsideClick and onScape events you can use the modal instance to do so.

import modales from './modales'

modales.launchModal(<SomeModalConetent props />)

setTimeOut(() => {
}, 2000)

WARNING: do not use this for a route modal, route modals depend on the navigation history so you can only dismiss a route modal by navigating back or to another non modal route.


PRs are welcome
