
Its fully fuctional ecommerce shop using React and FireBase, and you can log in to your account easily by google/phone and buy fake product !


NOTE : this project build for personal practice and its not real business

I use :

react , react router , framer motion , context and reducer for state manageing ,

firebase as main backend service (auth , database)

✔ Features

  • authentication with phone number / google auth
  • privet route
  • fully responsive
  • shoping cart (save in local storage)
  • buy product (not actual product)
  • order history (show orders of each user)
  • discount copon system (editable in data/copon.json)
  • edit profile, email , name
  • log out and delete acount
  • custom hook for handling form, toast, local, intersection observer, storage, authorization
  • infinite scroll for products

✨ upcomming features

  • quick product review
  • open each order
  • add product to favourite list
  • compare two product together

🌴 Directory tree

|-- public
|-- src
|   |-- Layout
|   |-- assets
|   |   |-- image
|   |   |-- svg
|   |-- components
|   |-- config
|   |-- context
|   |-- data
|   |-- hook
|   |-- page
|   |-- routes
|   |-- style
|   |-- types

🚀Getting Started

  1. Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/mostafa-kheibary/e-commerce-shop
  1. Install project dependencies
npm install
yarn add
  1. run the project
npm start
yarn start
  1. opne localhost:3000 to see the project