
npm package for a react-ui library which provide nested list option selector for continent, country and state

MIT License



💥💥💥 React Library for SCREEN RECORDER . Tiny and Efficient. Check it Out 💥💥💥


A React component which provides multi select functionality for nested option list of continent -> country -> state with various features like selection limit, CSS customization, checkbox, search option, disable preselected values, control nested level keyboard navigation for accessibility, chip select, delete selected, limit chip count, leading and trailing icon for search box, placeholder context and grouping features. Also it has feature to behave like normal dropdown(means single select dropdown).

🎉🎉 New features in >=1.1.7

✨ Easy to use 🍃 Light weight 🚀 Typescript

🏳️‍🌈 Getting Started

1. Installation 🔧

npm install multi-nested-select

yarn add multi-nested-select

2. Demo 👁️


3. Basic Usage 📑

import NestedSelect from "multi-nested-select";;

callbackFunction(selectedItem) {

onChange(e_selected) {

    buttonContent="Done" // For custom text for button
    enableButton={true}  // To show or hide the button 
    state={true}         // show the nested level state 
    continent={true}     // show and hide the continent 
    chip={true}          // show and hide the chip 
    onChange={(val) => onChange(val)}  // while adding/removing this onchange will call
    callback={(val) => callbackFunction(val)}  //on submit or save button callback()

4. Props 💬

Prop Type Default Description
callback function (val) => {} Callback function will invoked on click of save button
onSearch function (val) => {} Callback function will invoked on change of input feild event (similar to onChange). Params are searchValue
onChange function (val) => {} Callback function will invoked on selection or removal of options. Params are selectedList.
onViewmore function (val) => {} Callback function will invoked on click on view more (only when chip is true).
onChipDelete function (val) => {} Callback function will invoked on deletion of chip. (only when chip is true).
disabled boolean false Make it true to disable the select input feild.
selectedValue array [] Default value to persist in dropdown
showCustomList array [] Dropdown array list according to showCustomList.
error bool false To display error on input field.
helperText string "" To display the helper text for input.
expandChip bool true To display chip expand and collapse option
showCheckbox bool true To display checkbox option in the dropdown
omitSelected bool false To unselect the selected when clicked outside of dropdown.
selectLimit number -1 You can limit the number of items that can be selected in a dropdown
placeholder string Select Area Placeholder text
buttonContent string Save Selected To display the button text content`
disable bool false to disaled / enabled the button
selectAllOption bool false to enable "All regions" select option to select in one go
width number 360 width of the component.
height number 260 height of the dropdown.
chip bool false view selected option as chip.
chipCount number 5 chip count displayed on input.
placeholderCtx bool true enabale/ disable placeholderctx after option select.
enableButton bool true Make it false to hide the button.
trailing bool true Make it false to hide the trailing message ex- 0 of 24 selected'.
leading bool true Make it false to hide the leading icon in search box'.
trailingIcon bool true Make it false to hide the trailing icon in search box'.
state bool true Option to show or hide the state option list .make it false to hide state list.
continent bool true Option to show or hide the continent option list .make it false to hide continent list.
id string '' Id for the search container / input field..
buttonClass string '' styling for the save button(this is className).
dropDownClass string '' styling for the dropdown(this is className).
inputClass string '' styling for the input field wrapper with trailing icon or leading icons(this is className).
style object {} CSS Customization for multi-nested-select input fields.
...props attribute '' pass any attribute other than above listed, it will default assigned to input feild as their own attributes.

5. CSS Customization 🌈

For customization of CSS we have provide className based support 

* For input box -- 
Pass props as inputClass= " ... your class name... "

* For drop-Down box -- 
Pass props as dropDownClass= "... your class name... "

* For drop-Down box -- 
Pass props as dropDownClass= "... your class name... "

Now create your own .css or .scss file to define that class style according to your need.

Ex -

Create `custom.css` file in your repo

    height: 200px;
    z-index: 1000;

8. Licence 📜


9. Development

This package is build with typescript, react js and webpack .

10. Contributions

Contributions are welcome, please open an issue and preferrably file a pull request.

Opening Issue Please share sample code using or to help me re-produce the issue.

11. Playground