
A fullstack JS architecture, with a twist of microservices on the frontend



A proof-of-concept for frontend ~microservices~


This app is inspired by Cam Jackson's micro-frontend article with some changes and additions like:

  • Micro-frontends are backed by individual node apps
  • Global redux store implemented
  • Leverages Docker
  • Uses Lerna & Yarn workspaces to manage the monorepo
  • No content server


Container app
| - Search (browse recipes) sub-app
| | - Uses global redux store
| - Recipe sub-app
| | - Connected to Mongo

Getting started


  1. git clone this repo
  2. Within the app dir, run docker-compose build
  3. Then docker-compose up
  4. To create the default MongoDB user, first sh in with docker exec -it database mongo
  5. Copy, paste, and run the code from scripts/initMongo.js
  6. To seed recipes, run:
    docker exec -it recipe-server node packages/recipe/scripts/seedRecipes.js
  7. Load http://localhost:3000 in a browser
  8. Take over the world with its web-scale


  • Env config for dev server ports
  • Shared deps
    • Used by at least two apps: √react, √react-dom, redux, history, lodash
    • Share common dev dependencies w/ Lerna
  • Scaffold Redux
    • Implement and share access across sub-apps
  • Testing
    • Scaffold tests
    • Increase coverage to 70%
    • Coverage tool
  • Add trivial DB interactions to show its use
    • Add auth (account, login/out)
  • Add Nginx
    • Configure to serve static assets from each sub-app
  • Experiment w/ Docker
    • Dockerfiles
    • Docker compose
    • Instead of serving prod version, enable dev w/ webpack dev servers
    • Docker prod config
    • Consolidate docker files
    • Fix classnames not being installed 😕
    • Use multi-stage builds to trim image size
  • CI
    • Github actions/CircleCI for test/lint
    • Use for publish/build
  • Prod build + deploy
    • Build and serve static files
    • Ship it to the world