
A multiplayer drawing game.



A single-page-application (SPA) where one user draws a word and the other users should guess try to guess it.

[Live demo] of the website on Heroku.(https://nouamane-pictionary.herokuapp.com)

Technical description

  • Back-end : NodeJs (v10.16.3) with Express, Socket IO, Mongoose for Database.
  • Front-end : React Material UI, Axios for HTTP requests.
  • Authentification : JWT signed token stored inside browser cookies.
  • Database : MongoDB
  • Linting : ESlint
  • Gitlab CI : For linting.
  • Deployment : Heroku

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


For nodemon (a tool that helps develop node.js based applications by automatically restarting the node application when file changes in the directory are detected.)

npm i -g nodemon

For ESlint

npm i -g eslint-cli

For deployment on heroku

npm i -g heroku

Installing used Packages

A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running

We start by installing the Packages

npm run install

Running the tests

In the console, after installing eslint globally, run :

eslint ./

Running the website

For development, run these two commands in two different consoles :

To lunch the back-end

cd server && nodemon server

To lunch the front-end

cd client && npm start

For production : (lunches both the back and the front)

npm run dev


After logging in with your heroku account with heroku login, run in the console :

git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push heroku master

App Usage

Some already existing accounts:

normal user >> username : user | password : user
admin >> username : admin | password : admin


  • Show error messages if user already connected or wrong credentials.
  • Being able to register. Displays error message if existing username.
  • Keeps the authentification upon reloading page through a token that becomes invalid after a certain amount of time or upon logging out
  • Add, join and delete own rooms if user, or all rooms if admin.
  • Add or remove the words' choices in the game if admin.
  • Synchronise drawing in real time between users in same room.
  • Chat feature in rooms.
  • Check if correct guess, then mute this user.
  • Timer in every room, that restarts every round or upon drawer leaving room. The game restarts upon 5 rounds.
  • Show leaderboards in the end of a game. +1 point if user guessed correctly.
  • Drawer can change colors and size of the brush, use the eraser or clear the canvas.
  • Responsive canvas size.
  • Improve score calculation method
  • Users who guessed the correct word can still chat but only among them and the drawer.
  • Validate authentification's data before processing it for more security.
  • Show what's been drawn for a recently joined user
  • Resize brush/eraser size through mouse scroll


  • Nouamane Tazi
