
Portfolio 2.0, revamped previous portfolio using React


Welcome to my Portfolio2.0 Netlify Status

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  • June 13, 2023: Migrated all Strapi blog posts to in Git markdown posts using frontmatter
  • December 31: Using Netlify for hosting, firebase functions for emails, Strapi for blogging (hosted on heroku), graphql for querying posts and categories
  • December 29: Migrated from npm to yarn completely
  • December 28, 2020: Removed firebase and travis builds
  • July 21, 2020: Upgraded to Blaze plan
  • June 29, 2020: Updated functions node 8 to node 10
  • May 8, 2020: Hosted on Firebase and using Firebase Functions for contact form.


Project start date: March 18th, 2020 Project completed: June 8th, 2020 New portfolio: https://nayemalam.com Previous portfolio: https://nayemalam.github.io/portfolio

During the COVID-19 Quarantine I've decided to revamp my entire personal (previous) portfolio https://nayemalam.github.io/portfolio with React JS.

The previous version of my portfolio (link above) was written in pure HTML, CSS and vanilla JS.

The updated (version 2) of my portfolio is now written in HTML, SASS and React library.

This repository contains the code for my new and updated personal portfolio.


The following project was initially bootstrapped with Create React App (CRA) and now ported to Gatsby JS (completed April 21). You can view the CRA part here. Reason? Will be making a blog post about this soon and how to do this; basically it's a static site generator that build and produces only static files to run on the client-end, this way it increases speed drastically, it's SEO friendly and blogging is so much easier.

Dev mode app runs in http://localhost:8000. Build mode app runs in http://localhost:9000.

The page will reload if you make edits (on dev mode). You will also see any lint errors in the console.

Learn More

You can learn more about CRA in the Create React App documentation.

You can learn more about Gatsby JS in the Gatsby JS documentation

To learn React, check out the React documentation.


Catch me on: