
Static site and resume generator from YAML based profile for students and researchers. Generates ready to deploy branches via github actions.

MIT License


A delightfully simple website and résumé generator for students, researchers, and engineers.

Demo Documentation Videos
Example Documentation on YouTube

Try editing _profile/profile_web.yml on CodeSandbox


  • Generate website from YAML based profile
  • Generate résumé with different themes
  • Schema used in YAML documents extends the schema from JSON Resume
  • gh-pages branch is generated via github actions
  • Branch deployment_platforms pushed by github actions can be used as production branch to deploy with netlify


File structure

├── _profile/
   └── profile_web.yml
   └── profile_resume.yml
   └── images/      <- Place images here
   └── files/       <- Place files here
   └── *.md
├── ...
├── ...

Data from profile_web.yml will be used to generate website and profile_resume.yml will be used to generate pdf résumé.


How to start?

  1. Fork the repository 👉 ProfileIO
  2. (GitHub pages): If you want to deploy website to github pages, rename the repository to <github username>
  3. (One time task): To allow profileio workflows do their job, please enable workflows via Actions. After enabling, if you want them to run before make any changes to main repo of your branch, click Run workflow for Build and deploy

    Actions -> Build and deploy -> Run workflow -> Branch: main

  4. Update contents of _profile/ either using github IDE or by cloning your repository and pushing the changes
  5. Wait until github actions complete
  6. (GitHub pages): Add gh-pages or gh-pages-mac as source for GitHub pages

    Your repository -> settings -> GitHub pages -> Source

  7. If you want to deploy to netlify, use deployment_platforms as the production branch in netlify UI and build for the directory to publish
  8. If you want to host website on your own server, you may use the directory build/ after building the project

How it works?

  • Once pushed to github, actions will build both web and pdf résumé
  • Generated résumé will be linked to the website and displayed if showResumeLink is set in profile_web.yml
  • Build files are pushed to gh-pages, gh-pages-mac branches
  • Source repo, combined with résumé copied to _public/files/resume will be pushed to deployment_platforms

Which branch to use?

  • gh-pages
    • Contents of this branch will be built using Linux virtual environment. In most cases you may use this branch, and this is in general available quickly
    • If you need Helvetica Neue font for the resume, you may use gh-pages-mac
  • gh-pages-mac
    • Mac virtual environment will be used to build your resume. With the current github workflow configuration, there is about 5 minutes delay when compared to gh-pages for the contents to be available under this branch
  • deployment_platforms
    • Use this branch if you want to deploy your website using netlify
    • You may also use this if you want github actions to compile your resume
    • This is almost same as the main branch with the exception of the compiled resume, which will be copied to _profile/files/resume
    • In the current configuration this branch will be updated three times per workflow in the following sequence
      1. Contents of branch main will be made available for this branch
      2. Resume from Linux build will be pushed to this branch as soon as available
      3. Resume from Mac build will be pushed as soon as that step completes

If you find any bugs or need a feature, please raise an issue, or submit a PR.