
React components for Cucumber

MIT License



A set of React components for rendering Gherkin documents and Cucumber results.



  • This package is distributed in ES module format only.
  • React 18 or above is required.

The source code for screenshots above is:

<EnvelopesWrapper envelopes={envelopes}>
  <GherkinDocumentList />

The <GherkinDocumentList> React component, is an accordion of <GherkinDocument>.

The <GherkinDocument> React component and any component nested within it (such as <Scenario>) can be rendered standalone.

<GherkinDocument> features

The <GherkinDocument> React component is instantiated with a single gherkinDocument prop. The value must be a GherkinDocument object. You can use the Gherkin parser to generate a GherkinDocument object.

By default the <GherkinDocument> component will not display any coloured results, as the GherkinDocument message object does not contain results, only the AST of the document. This is fine for simple use cases where results are not important.

To render a <GherkinDocument> with results and highlighted Cucumber Expression parameters parameters it must be nested inside a <Wrapper> component.


Attachments from test runs are shown with their corresponding steps. The baseline behaviour for attachments is a download button. However, we have some special handling for very common MIME types to make them more useful without leaving the report:

  • image/* - images are rendered with an <img/> tag
  • video/* - videos are rendered with a <video/ tag
  • text/x.cucumber.log+plain - logs (from calls to the log function in Cucumber) are rendered as monospace text, and support ANSI colors
  • text/uri-list - one or more URLs are rendered as links that open in a new tab
  • application/json - JSON is rendered as monospace text and prettified
  • text/* - other text types are rendered as monospace text


The standard styling comes from wrapping your top-level usage with the CucumberReact component (sans-props). There are several ways you can apply different styling to the components.

Built-in themes

These are the built-in themes:

  • light (default)
  • dark
  • auto (honours your operating system preference for either light or dark)

You can activate one of these by passing the theme prop to the CucumberReact component:

<CucumberReact theme="dark">
  <GherkinDocument />

Custom themes

You can also provide your own theme with a small amount of CSS. Pass the CucumberReact component a class name instead of a theme name:

<CucumberReact className="acme-widgets">
  <GherkinDocument />

In your CSS for the acme-widgets class, you can override the supported custom property values as desired. Here's the CSS that drives the built-in "dark" theme:

.darkTheme {
  --cucumber-background-color: #1d1d26;
  --cucumber-text-color: #c9c9d1;
  --cucumber-anchor-color: #4caaee;
  --cucumber-keyword-color: #d89077;
  --cucumber-parameter-color: #4caaee;
  --cucumber-tag-color: #85a658;
  --cucumber-docstring-color: #66a565;
  --cucumber-error-background-color: #cf6679;
  --cucumber-error-text-color: #222;
  --cucumber-code-background-color: #282a36;
  --cucumber-code-text-color: #f8f8f2;
  --cucumber-panel-background-color: #282a36;
  --cucumber-panel-accent-color: #313442;
  --cucumber-panel-text-color: #f8f8f2;

Custom styles

For more control over the styling, you can override the CSS used by individual components.

Let's say you want to do something totally different with the typography of doc strings. In your own CSS, you might write something like:

.acme-docstring {
  font-weight: bold;
  font-style: italic;
  background-color: black;
  color: hotpink;
  text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px white;
  padding: 10px;

Then, you can provide a customRendering prop to the CucumberReact component, in the form of an object that declares which class names you're going to override and what with:

<CucumberReact customRendering={{
  DocString: {
    docString: 'acme-docstring'
  <GherkinDocument />

Some components have multiple styling hooks - e.g. the <Tags> component has the tags class name for the list, and the tag class name for each item. In these cases, you can provide custom class names for just the ones you want to change, and any you omit will pick up the built-in styling like normal.

Custom rendering

To change the rendering of some components entirely, you can selectively provide your own component implementations to be used instead of the built-in ones.

Staying with the doc string example, you can use the same customRendering prop, but this time instead of an object with class names, you provide a React functional component, giving you full control over the rendering:

<CucumberReact customRendering={{
  DocString: (props) => (
      <p>I am going to render this doc string in a textarea:</p>
  <GherkinDocument />

In each case where you provide your own component, it will receive the same props as the default component, plus two more:

  • styles - class names for the default styling, so you can still apply these to your custom component if it makes sense
  • DefaultRenderer - the default React component, useful if you only want to provide your own rendering for certain cases, and otherwise fall back to the default rendering (don't forget to pass it the props)

Build / hack

Install dependencies

npm install

Run tests

npm test

Interactive development

npm start


ScenarioList component

A component that renders a list of scenarios (possibly from multiple files, filtered by e.g. tag).

This component could be used to render relevant scenarios in 3rd-party tools, such as JIRA, Confluence and various issue trackers that support plugins.

Link to JIRA

Configure with a regexp and url function, and tags will be rendered as JIRA issue links


Search by tag, but also by text. Could use or - or it could simply perform filtering on an array of GherkinDocument messages.

Search results

Each scenario displayed underneath each other, grouped by feature file. The feature description is "collapsed", (unless it contains the search term) but can be opened.

Filtering / sorting

  • by tag
  • by duration (find slow ones)
  • by status
  • by recency (update timestamp) - exclude old ones
  • by flickeriness

Tag search

  • Render a tag cloud for all tags
    • Size: count
    • Color: pass/fail/undefined

On-demand data

For large reports (especially with screenshots) it may be too heavy to store it all in the browser. The GUI should request data for the current document on demand. The GUI should also be able to filter what kind of events it wants. For example, to render the initial screen.

Server / App

It should be easy to use. Just run the app (Electron). It will create a named pipe where it will listen. What's written here gets written straight to the React app (no websocket, it's in the same process). This app can be fairly small.

Rerun tests

Add a message to represent a config+cwd+env for a run, so the GUI can rerun it. The config is essentially command line options. They can be modified in the gui. Rerun on file change can also be set up. This just makes the whole DX simple.


The app could use the OS to send screen messages (autotest like)