
A library to fetch data for React Components, which has most of the similar API with react-refetch, and support Hooks

MIT License


react-decorate-fetch npm version

A library to fetch data for React Components, which has most of the similar API with react-refetch. Different, it also supports more friendly way to use, like Hooks.


Supporting for react and react-native, based on Fetch’s API;

npm i react-decorate-fetch --save
yarn add react-decorate-fetch

Why I don't use react-refetch

react-refetch is a very awesome project,it saved me a lot of time. I really like this way without setState to fetch data. Now, Hooks are growing in popularity, more projects use Hooks. So I write this library to supports Hooks, and Copy react-refetch’s API to compatible my old Projects.


import { connect } from 'react-decorate-fetch';
function App(props) {
  const { userFetch } = props;
    return <Loading />
  }else if(userFetch.error){
    return <Error />
  }else if(userFetch.success){
    return <Success />
export default connect((props) => ({
  userFetch: `/users/detail/${props.userId}`,


Use in your Component

HOC Component

// use Decorator (need @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators)
@connect(mapRequestByOptions, defaultFetchOptions, options)
class App extends React.Component {};
// or not use Decorator
App = connect(mapRequestByOptions, defaultFetchOptions, options)(App);
mapRequestByOptions:FetchOptions|Function => FetchOptions

A Function to map props to FetchOptions, if you don't need props, you can directly set FetchOptions, like:

connect({usersFetch: `/users`})

Default FetchOptions for connect Component, will be Object.assign into every FetchOptions


withRef options to ref connect Component like react-redux

React Hooks

const APP = (props) => {
  const fetchOptions = "/users";
  const [fetchState, fetchUser] = useFetch(fetchOptions, []);
  return <div>
        ? <div>Loading...</div>
        : fetchState.error
          ? <div>Error: {fetchState.message}</div>
          : <div>Value: {fetchState.value}</div>
    <button onClick={() => fetchUser()}>Start Fetch</button>
const APP = (props) => {
  const fetchOptions = "/users";
  const fetchState = useLazyFetch(fetchOptions, []);
  return <div>
        ? <div>Loading...</div>
        : fetchState.error
          ? <div>Error: {fetchState.message}</div>
          : <div>Value: {fetchState.value}</div>

Global and Middleware

If you want to config some Global options for all fetches, you will need some useful api to resolve it. It is not necessary, but is helpful.


  fetchOptions: {
    host: '',
    headers: {}, //override default headers
  buildResponse: (res) => {
     // This is default response handle, you can override it.
     if (res && res.json) {
       return res.json().then((dataOrError) => {
         if (res.ok) {
           return dataOrError;
         } else {
           throw dataOrError;
     } else {
       return {};
  transformPostParams: (params) => {
    // This is default transform, you can override it.
    return JSON.stringify(params)
  }, // transform params Option
  fetch: require('axios') // you can replace to any you like Fetch Api's library


const plugin = {
  before: (context, next) => {
    const options = context[0]; // the final fetchOptions
    next(); // must call only once
  after: (context, next) => {
    const options = context[0]; // the final fetchOptions
    let data = context[1]; // you can modify
    next(); // must call  only once
// ......
// you can add multiple plugins



Chaining Requests

You can set a function to FetchOptions's then, and return a new FetchOptions.

Mock Fetch Data

You can set Mock data to FetchOptions's value, you will receive the Mock data and no request real server.

Type Explanation


FetchOptions based on Fetch API’s options, so you can use all Fetch API’s options, Tips: If FetchOptions is string type, will be converted to {url: string}, else if FetchOptions is an array, will be converted to [FetchOptions, FetchOptions, ...]

Property Type Description Require default
url String The Fetch API’s url, if value is Static, it is not required. true ——
method String The Fetch API’s method false "GET"
headers Object The Fetch API’s headers false { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
params Object Common params for different method false {}
successText string Custom fetch success text false "Success"
refreshInterval number Interval in milliseconds to poll for new data from the URL, set 0 can stop request false 0
value Function|Any Static response’s value or function to transform the old response’s value false ——
then Function [Chaining Requests](#Chaining Requests) false ——
delay Number Fetch delay millisecond —— 0
cleanParams Boolean Clean undefined or null params —— true
host String Define the host false ——
postForm Boolean transform params to FormData false false

Support all other Fetch API’s options, like body,mode,credentials,cache,redirect,referrer,referrerPolicy,integrity.


Property Type Description default
status String One of 'pending'|'loading'|'error' 'pending'
loading Boolean When fetching, that is true false
error Boolean When fetch error or throw Error, that is true false
success Boolean When fetch success, that is true false
code Number Http status code ——
message String FetchOptions’s successText or error’s message ——
value Any When fetch success, that is body null
cancel Function If request is fetching, cancel it () => {}